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About hsfan50plus

  • Birthday 08/05/1946

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  • Location
    Ohio, US
  • Interests
    fishing, football

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  1. Looking at Hawk Air out of the Wawa area for fly-in Outposts for a trip next year. 6 guys. He said he had 6 FYI
  2. If you have 6 guys go to Little Missianabi with AirDale or White River fly ins, super lake and beautiful
  3. Thanks Bassman, I ignored that reply, You would expect a fishing in Ontario site to have info as to whether you can come to fish there????
  4. What website has the most current info on Border crossing?


    1. irishfield


      Why on earth are you sending me a PM on this? Nothing has changed in a year. Border closure is renewed monthly (and was again yesterday) and based on current covid cases I suspect it will continue right through the year. Even Canadian's coming home have to isolate for 14 days, fly in's have to go to isolation hotels for 3 days and then pass covid testing before they can get out of "jail".

    2. hsfan50plus


      New to the site, don't get a all huffy?? Thought it was a post for pete sake!

  5. Sadly another site doesn't even allow these questions anymore than have gone CNN/MSNBC on a fishing? site.
  6. Well if we can't post info even from Clarks own clients then this site is worthless too, sorry!


    The list posted is a value to all, period. Wow!

  7. Here is a list started by BrianVA on another site, very helpful and lot of work by him, Thanks Updated list below. If anyone has heard anything from Andy Myers or Echoing Lake Camp please let me know as I'd love to remove them from the incommunicado list. Rollover to 2021 and/or refund Air Mount Laurier (Quebec) Air Tamarac (Quebec) Andy Meyers will roll over or refund as soon as they are able if a refund is needed Anderson's Lodge (Ontario) Basket Lake Camp (Ontario) Big Bear Camp (Ontario) Bluffy Lake Lodge (Ontario) Bonny Bay Camp (Ontario) Boreal Forest Outfitters (Ontario) Brace Lake Outfitters (Ontario) Bushland Adventures (Quebec) Canadian Fly In Outposts (Ontario) Chimo Outposts (Ontario) Cobb Bay Lodge (Ontario) Cobham River Lodge (Manitoba) Cozy Camp (Ontario) Darren & Merri's Cedar Lake Camp (Ontario) Dogtooth Lake Resort (Ontario) Eagle Eye Guiding (Ontario) Evergreen Lodge Eagle Lake (Ontario) Evergreen Lodge on Lac Seul (Ontario) Fisherman's Cove Lac Suel (Ontario) Five Lakes Lodge (Ontario) Forrest Lodge (Ontario) Frog Rapids Camp (Ontario) Gangler’s (Manitoba) Rolled over my fully paid 2020 $ to 2021 and almost same dates, also was willing to move to late this year which can't happen now, excellent outfitter! Garrett's Broken Arrow Lodge (Saskatchewan) Ghost River Lodges (Ontario) Gold Pines Camp (Ontario) Halley's Camps (Ontario) Hawk Air (Ontario) Hawk Lake Lodge (Ontario) Hidden Bay Lodge (Ontario) Hideaway Lodge near Emo - I had a trip booked at their Pipestone Lake Outpost. They informed me that they were going to apply my deposit to my 2021 trip Hilltop Lodge Holinshead Lake Outfitters (Ontario) Indian Point Camp (Ontario) Jim and Julie's Wabaskang Camp (Ontario) La Belles Birch Point Camp (Ontario) Labelle's Birch Point Camp (Ontario) Lac Seul Floating Lodges (Ontario) Lac Seul Lodge (Ontario) Lac Seul Outposts (Ontario) Loon Haunt Outposts (Ontario) Lost Island on Lac Seul (Ontario) Mahkwa (Ontario) Merkel’s Camp (Ontario) Meta Lake Lodge (Ontario) Moosehorn Lodge (Ontario) Nestor Falls Fly In Outposts (Ontario) North Air Taxi (Ontario) North Caribou (Ontario) Northland Outpost Company (Ontario) O'Sullivan's Rainbow (Ontario) Obabikon Bay Camp (Ontario) Ogaki Frontier (Ontario) Onaway Lodge (Ontario) Pickerel Arm Camp (Ontario) Pickle Lake Outposts (Ontario) Pine Point Resort on Lac Des Mille Lac (Ontario) Pipestone Fly-In Outposts (Ontario) PK Resort Granite Hill Resort (Ontario) Redden's Camp near Kenora - I had a trip booked at their Dryberry Lake Outpost. Lorne Redden called me about a week before the trip was scheduled and informed me that he didn't feel right about keeping peoples' deposits. I received a refund check in the mail from him about a week ago.. Red Wing Lodge (Ontario) Rusty Myers (Ontario) Sabaskong Bay Lodge (Ontario) Shoal Lake Lodge (Ontario) Showalter's Fliy-in Fishing (Ontario) Silver Water Wheel Lodge (Ontario) Slate Falls Outposts (Ontario) Sleepy Dog Cabins (Ontario) Snake Falls Camp (Ontario) Sparks Lac La Martre (NWT) Spruce Island Camps (Ontario) Stanleys Resort (Ontario) Stormer Lake Lodge (Ontario) Sunset Country Adventures (Ontario) Taltson Bay Big Pike Lodge (NWT) Temple Bay Lodge (Ontario) Thaddeus Lake Lodge (Ontario) Thousand Lakes Outposts (Ontario) Thunderhook Outposts (Ontario) Timber Wolf Lodge (Ontario) Twin Lakes Outfitters (Ontario) Vermillion Bay Lodge (Ontario) Vic & Dots Camp (Ontario) Vista Lake Outfitters (Ontario) Wekusko Falls Lodge (Manitoba) Walsten fly-in camps rolling over or refunding deposits. Wenasaga Lodge (Ontario) Wilderness Air Escapes (Ontario) Wilderness North Outposts (Ontario) Wildewood on Lake Savant (Ontario) Wine Lake Camp (Ontario) Witch Bay Camp (Ontario) Woman River Camp (Ontario) Wrights Wilderness Camp (Ontario) Young's Wilderness Camp (Ontario) 50%/50% rollover to 2021 & 2022 Amik Outposts (Ontario) Excellent Adventures (Ontario) Incommunicado Andy Myers (Ontario) Echoing Lake Camp (Ontario) Kept deposit and will not credit toward future trip *sad trombone* Clark's Resort & Outposts (KC Landing's Resort and Northern Lights Resorts) (Ontario) #242 09-05-2020, 06:48 AM
  8. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2qx8 The Tempting Temptations!
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