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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great stuff everyone!! I know I owe my love of fishing completely to my parents...both my mom and dad fished together from the time I was a little squirt up until now (he's 74, she's 68) they'll pick at each other when they're out there, like most old marrried couples, but they still do it. It is up to us to pass on the love of our sport, be the teachers, share the outdoors...and keep this amazing sport of ours alive and well. There are way too many groups out there that are trying to take it away from us.

    There are no better words than hearing a kid say "when are we going fishing again?!?!!"!

  2. just got back from the cambridge store and picked up 2 pro cats for $33 total they are selling them for 1/2 off ticket price so 16.00 each for a 90.00+ heater :clapping::thumbsup_anim::w00t:

    ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!! Don't tell me that, paid that much for one yesterday...not that I'm complaining for that price.

  3. . And I just found out yesterday I'm having a baby girl. So hopefully I'll have two future fishing partners!!!


    Also good posts by Alex and Jim. Love the way the word "bass" triggers them, Alex.

    Jim hit the nail on the head for that 6-12 age group...when enough is enough don't force them!!

    Juli and I have her kids every other week, and we pretty much fish at least one day every week we don't have them. This long weekend we put the offer out to them (cleared it with her X first of course) that one could spend a day with us out on a Kawartha lake. It was great to see interest from all three, but, one of the twins was really "hyped" up about it. So, he is coming out first. We do take all three out at times, but, that one on one is important.

  4. can you show me one..even one time that Lloyd made a post about catching fish.....his clients post all the time but not Lloyd not ever



    as for steve rowbowtham, if you look at his posts, I think you will find that I never reply to any of his threads that are about his guide service, however he is a good member of this board and posts about many other things and replies in many , many threads..so because of that I overlook his self promotion





    do I take part in discussions ..you bet isn't that what these forums are for

    Good points, Terry...as for Lloyd, as I'm sure he's told you as well...he never will post, believes that is entirely up to his clients.

    Took the family out for 1/2 day with Steve R...also a class guy, who made sure, as best he could that the kids had fun and learned something.

    I've noticed that a few other guide services that used to put up clients results, have stopped doing so. Good for them!! It truly should be up to the customer to post results, what better advertising is there than satisfied happy customers showing their success!!

  5. I accuse the neighbour at the cottage of the same thing.


    Bloody hell ... it blows my socks off.


    I became so steamed one morning after the cottage running out of coffee, that I stormed out to take a picture of him ... catching him in the act red beaked!


    I submitted this picture to the processes of the ministry. I am waiting to hear back from them.



    :lol::lol: Great photo by the way!!!

  6. Reading the first part of Matt's Fishing Pressure thread, talking about dwindling numbers of fishermen, had me wondering how many guys and gals out there have kids/teenagers that are interested in the sport? More importantly if given the choice would your kids put down the video games for fishing?

  7. I'll get a new pic when I grow my winter fur. Hey, there's worse things in the world than being compared with Sean Connery. Worse things like when folks actually meet me and say stuff like "What happened to Sean?"



    Too funny, I do believe he was actually voted one of the sexiest guys alive at one time...so you can be proud of those comparisons :lol:

  8. I run a real estate office, teach pre-registration and Continuing Ed courses for the Ontario Association, and serve on a variety of committees within the industry. If you've used any common Ontario real estate form in the last few years there's every likelihood I had something to do with the content.



    ...AND in his spare time, stunt doubles for Sean Connery!! Sorry, John...couldn't resist :lol:

  9. Got it!




    DO it up Dan! Thanks again for offering to help out with this!




    It was at Deer Creek last year. I've had suggestions from friends like James Hind who was last years big winner with the most pledges, but if it all works out I think we'll be doing at Deer Creek again. Beautiful spot and if I can I'll pre-fish and figure them out to see if I can get everybody on some good fish!




    I haven't looked the calendar, but just for the sake of getting everything done on time and having the most advertising, pledge donation time and success of the event the 28th would be better... we'll see what everybody has to say about dates...




    Heading up to Restoule on the 21st, might be able to make the 28th, and, yes Deer Creek is a beautiful little spot.

  10. You can't educate those who don't want to be educated. I know where you are coming from though, it amazes me to see the fish that are kept from our local reservoir. Why someone would even want to eat them boggles the mind.

  11. From watching WFN for the last month I can't help but hearing over and over that the next generation of fisher people is few and far between compared to generations pasts, and how important it is to keep the sport alive because the number of fishermen is in decline. However, I can't but notice that in the last 15 years, fishing spots that were once a "secret" or just low traffic are now packed full of boats. Even in northern Onatrio where there are hundreds of lakes I find when I go out there are twice as many fishermen compared to 10 years ago. Does anyone else agree with this statement? or maybe I'm missing something.I appreciate any thoughts on this topic.


    Personally, I'd say increased pressure, lack of secret spots, more informed fishermen are due to the thing we are all on right now...the internet! There aren't too many secret spots left.

  12. I won't argue with any of these guys, the experience they have speaks volumes. For me the Fenwick Rod/ABU 5601CB (made in Sweden) that I purchased used for a total of $80 serves my musky "rookie" purposes well, and, when I want to upgrade I haven't blown a bunch of money on a sub-standard outfit. Put out feelers on used equipment...when I let it be known I was interested, I had many offers including a tremendous one on a St Croix!

  13. Hello Musky Guys,


    I'm looking at buying my first combo for Musky Fishing second hand. I've never fished for musky and I'm wondering if this is a good starting point:







    Any help or insight you gentleman can offer is greatly appreciated.





    That is pretty darn close to the outfit I put together (bought used on the forum)...so far I am really pleased with it. Fine for both casting and trolling inline bucktail spinners (my weapon of choice). Hoping to put it to the test with a few more 'skis in the next few weeks.

  14. yeah I found it hard to believe, in the beginning that I could trust a bunch of guys on the internet but the people on this site are great


    well 99%, I do know of someone here who booked a room for some guys and they never showed up

    and a guy who didn't come through on a promise on a charity auction item this site held

    but by and large what a great group of people who came together with fishing being the common denominator.............

    I was just saying the same thing to the "little woman" last night. I've met some great guys, saved money on a bunch of products, gone out on a couple of great fishing charters, shared alot of great fishing experiences, learned how to use Photobucket, LOL...etc....etc. All because of this board!

  15. Thanks, again, for the heads up. Cambridge had a bunch of all types...paid $29.98 for the floor stand with the batter operated fan...Walmart site lists them at $86.54!! Should be plenty enough heat for my Clam 2000 portable hut. Bring on ice season....well maybe not just yet :lol:

  16. It is what it is. Like many here have stated. Do I buy shimano because Bob Izumi uses it, no. Do I purchase Seaguar flourocarbon leaders because Charlie Wray, loves the stuff, of course not. Trial and error, speaking with fellow fishermen (board members) hopefully most of us are intelligent enough to make a purchase decision without having it rammed down our throats by a fishing host.

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