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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. I have both

    I hate to drag the gas auger by hand


    and here is Lloyds big trout..starts at about 2;40 into the video


    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5yM0yMBjw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5yM0yMBjw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5yM0yMBjw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

    Thanks, Terry...I've told a few guys about that video, now they can actually see it.

  2. Thanks for all the responses, so far, guys. I'm gathering from what I've read that the manual is the way to go for me...perhaps a 6" for walleye/perch/panfish, AND, an 8" for those Simcoe lakers. Now if I could catch one as big as Lloyd did, for anyone who hasn't seen the video it was MASSIVE, I'd have to get the sled and a 10"er :lol:

  3. So, here we are with a few great months of open water fishing to go. Not to mention some great steelheading in November/December. However, for some perverse reason, I'm thinking hard water fishing...probably due to Ryan's photos of him and his daughter in the hut.

    My question for all the hard core ice anglers out there is do I go with my original intention of buying a manual 8" auger, or is power the way to go. Keep in mind I don't have an ATV or snowmobile, so I am the "pack-horse" pulling the equipment out on the ice.



  4. Juli and I just read this one together...all I heard was ahhhhhhhhhhh, oh my God, that is too cute. Great post Ryan, hopefully you've made a fishing buddy for life out of her.

    That wouldn't happen to be a Clam 2000 ice hut, would it??? Just got one myself this past March from Steve Rowbotham (of the forum), can't wait to use it....well I can wait a bit, still some good boat fishing to be had! :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Tied huh? Really..... how convenient.sarcasm.gif

    _ I'm still good for then tenner then Frank. Next time we hitch up I square with ya.

    Nice going - I hope next year I can be there in it as opposed to watchig from the sidelines


    Don't worry about the ten, Rick! Tie goes to the lady, I put it in already. Let's try and get out at least one more time soon...walleyes, trout/salmon you name it!

    Hope you make it out next year as well...Ryan, Dan and Shawn did an awesome job putting it together quickly this year. Next year Juli and I are hoping to have a bigger role as well, and, with a little more time and preparation...that $4500 mark should be shattered!!

    I'll send you a PM soon.


    oh...and the caps lock key is on the left side of the key board and should be in the off position...LOL



    Quick edit- forgot to add, sweet reel Terry...would love to have one of those for ice fishing...JULI DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Awesome!


    Glad you guys had a good time Frank! Congrats to Juli on getting the most pledges ( she just keeps beating you! haha) and I can't wait to get together with you guys for next year's event! The boys were awesome to! Good kids!


    Thanks again!




    Thanks, Ryan!! Going to have to get you to e-mail a few of those pics to us!!

    Great shots, looks like you guys had a blast after we left, as well!!

    As for Juli, beating me...the competition continues :lol: As for my wager with Rick and Vince...Juli and I pretty much tied on big fish (and it wasn't very big) I threw in the extra $20 under Rick and Vince's names!

    Thanks for the comments on the boys...the twins were standing here reading this, I said "he doesn't know you very well, LOL"...they were great yesterday, and enjoyed particating in the event...especially knowing that it was all going to cancer research (after Jacob passing away last week).

  8. I'm sure Ryan will be posting the full wrap up on the days events soon, but, for now here is our families perspective through some pics.


    Headed for Deer Creek conservation aiming for a 7:30 arrival. We love the campground and lake, had actually spent three nights there last year. Couldn't wait to get out on the water for this worthwhile event. Met up with Ryan and the rest of the group, launched the boat, got the details of the day and we all posed for a group shot (Ryan took this one with Juli's camera)




    Heading out on the water...this in no way was a "tournament" all about raising money and having fun, but, an all electric motor "blast off" is pretty funny!!




    First fish of the day, Carl's nice Bluegill-





    Carl with another, Pumpkinseed this time-




    Ryan, his crew and the Mini-Me boat, lol-




    Ceagan and Carl with a caterpillar...the boys love clams/snails/frogs etc, as much as fishing




    Juli with a small (tough fishing with the massive cold front) largie-




    Setting up some fun for the kids at Ryan's place






    Chowing down...what a great spread...big thanks to Ryan's mrs and mother-in-law!!! The food was great!




    This one is out of focus due to excitement (LOL) Juli and Ryan after the announcement that she had raised the most pledges, and, had won the choice of a charter with Lloyd or a great prize pack of stuff from Dave Mercer. No offence Dave, but, she didn't hesitate in taking the half day in June with Lloyd!!! Yeah, I know, Lloyd another chance for her to "out-fish" me!




    A BIG round of applause for Ryan, the man who put this event together!!!!!




    I'm not going to go into big detail on the numbers, etc...that is for Ryan. Just wanted to show our perspective on the day. What a great event for an even greater cause. REALLY BIG THANKS to all who donated, as well as the sponsors that offered up such great prizes to all the participants!!!!!!

    You all know who you are :clapping:


    Ryan, you have the full support of Juli and I for next years event (let's make it even more successful)!!! Your family's hospitality afterwards was fantastic as well. Can't wait for FISH-A-THON FOR CANCER 3!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Would it be advisible to bring a tent?Just in case!

    Ryan pretty much summed it up...the reservoir doesn't get rough...last year we (Juli the boys and I) actually fished it in inflatable boats we bought at Walmart!!

    See you all in the AM!!!!!!!!

  10. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I still have to pack up my boat and such!




    Our sort of official start is 8 a.m. but you don't have to kill yourself and get there for 7 or anything... arriving at 8 is OK! We'll spend a few minutes meeting one another, getting our shirts, launching boats and so on! The park is charging the standard $10 fee per vehicle, but they likely won't be there when we arrive so just come on in and head down to wards the launch.


    We're going to have a Big Fish prize, and I'll go over those details in the morning, but remember to BRING A CAMERA! We're giving everybody measuring tapes (special thanks to T.J. and Ontariofishing.net for them! )


    I'm hoping to set up a spot to meet for lunch and talk about what's working and what isn't. Then we'll go back to fishing until the BBQ and prize part of the day!


    In the event that it's raining on and off which is a definite possibility I'm going to set something up at the conservation area where people can come in and warm up and or dry off. If this does happen, the BBQ and Prizes will likely happen at the park rather than my place because they have a covered pavilion.


    Weather permitting, we'll stop fishing with just enough time to get all the boats out and head over to my place for the post fish-a-thon festivities!


    I'm going to have everything from burgers and hot dogs, to salads and fruit trays so you don't want to miss out on the BBQ part of the day!


    Things to remember:


    1) Sun Screen

    2) water

    3) snacks

    4) Lunch

    5) Rain Coats

    6) cell phone if you have one

    7) CAMERA

    8) a pee bucket! haha :thumbsup_anim: they have out-houses at the park

    9) bathing suits in case it happens to be warm enough

    10) your pledge forms and money

    11) towels

    12) what am I missing?? fill in the blanks for me guys! :blush:


    I'm going to try to be on the water for 5 a.m. myself as I'd like to see what they're eating and figure out the most sheltered parts of the lake in the event that it's windy....


    Remember, the temperature will have dropped significantly in a short amount of time, so the fish are going to be slow moving and a little more tight lipped. Small and Slow baits SHOULD be the ticket like Shawn said, but we'll try to figure them out!


    Fire off any questions you have!


    Can't wait t'il morning!




    Sounds, excellent...don't forget your licenses and operator cards as well. We will see you in the morning...probably around 7:30 or so. Get some sleep, dude, if you are hitting the water at 5!!!!!!!!

  11. ALRIGHT! I'm officially in Fish-A-Thon mode for the next 28 hours or so. We've got a bunch more prizes which I'll post shortly, and I'll include a few other things to go over for you guys!


    So far the pledges are flooding in all around, and we're shaping up to have an awesome day. We just have to cross our fingers for decent weather!


    I just have to run out and get some tables and chairs and a second BBQ then I'll get back to you guys with a bunch of details! Please stay tuned!




    Any details, yet, Ryan? We are pretty much loaded up and ready to go for tomorrow.

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