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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Nice photos. I didn't realize pike was open in Ontario until the first or second weekend in May. Jon
  2. Have you ever considered a Conservation Authority? While the enforcement duties are not the same, there is still a role for biologists, ecologists, enforcement staff, planners and number of other positions. Check out Conservation Ontario for jobs: Conservation Ontario Jobs Jon
  3. I think this is the page you are referring to. I assume the recent lack of posts is due to the winter. Pond Web Page Jon
  4. I have an MSR Miniworks as well and have had no issues drinking water after putting it through the filter. I have had the rate of flow reduced by not cleaning off the filter part with the scrubbing pad, however. Make sure you clean it between trips and don't put the intake near the bottom or close to shore. Jon
  5. My buddies and I ice fished the Islands about 5 years ago. Having done well in the spring and fall from a boat, we thought it would be worthwhile. We got nothing and haven't tried ice fishing there since. Jon
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