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Everything posted by justwannafish

  1. So I went fishing/camping/portaging this weekend just north west of Orillia. My buddy and I had to lug my Hobie Pro Angler and all our gear into the lake (about 1km off the last 'road') which was a LOT easier said than done! Hahah, the trail is a rugged, to put it mildly, 4X4 trail in the summer and a snowmobile trail in the winter. What a mission to get there but it was worth every gallon of sweat!! When we got to the launch site after about two hours of hardcore portaging there were tinnies everywhere. I counted ten just at the cove where we launched so we borrowed one of those, put all out stuff in it, tied the PA to the front of the tinny and I towed us over to an island where we proceeded to set up shop. Very awesome campsite. As for fishing, the first day was pretty slow. We spent the whole day on the water only pulling in for a quick shore lunch and then heading back out. Caught a few small largemouth and that was it the whole day. Even when the sun had just set there was still not much at all on the bite. The next morning made up for it, however, by producing decent size fish (all largemouth) by the mitt full. We kept two of them for breakfast and threw the rest back. But again once that sun had risen the bite virtually switched right off. Nothing was even hitting again. Unfortunately we didn't catch any of the Pikerel or Musky that I was told the lake was full of but the morning fishing was great and kept me smilin. I think if I go back to that lake it'll be in springtime and I'll stay for a day or two longer. It was a great trip and the scenery was outstanding. Good times and great fishing! Here are a few pics that I took throughout the weekend. Hope you enjoy!!
  2. Well I just spent about $3000 on my Hobie (after gear, electronics, roof racks, etc.) and I can say that I would do it all again in a heartbeat! That kayak is the best toy I have ever bought! I'm headin up North this weekend with it to portage into a semi secluded lake and camp/fish my brains out. Hopefully I'll have a stellar report come next week!
  3. "Hiiii, Richard" hahaha, too funny!
  4. Thanks! Will do! Seems there's endless possibilities with rigging that thing up with equipment and what-not. I've just got my portable fish finder, Bass Pro XPS tackle bag, and chair tied down with nylon rope. It'll be cool to see how other people rigged theirs up.
  5. The last pic was a lot smaller than I had intended This should be better........
  6. So here's a bit of a better pic of the yak while I was launching at Martindale Pond earlier today. Sadly it was a completely unsuccessful outing but I can pretty much guarantee that I will have a sweet report after next weekend. I'm goin camping to a remote access only lake with a buddy of mine from New Zealand. Gotta show the Kiwi how Ontario lake fishing can be! That orange chair in the back of the boat is clearly something I added. I just thought I'd put it in there to show how big and awesome this thing is. Fully capable of seating two for a day on the lake.
  7. So now that I've got my Hobie, I've been hittin the water every weekend and it is AWESOME to say the least. But my friend from New Zealand has moved here and we're planning a fishing/camping weekend. He's living Orillia area right now so I figure I'll head North and we'll go from there. Thing is I'm not really sure where to go seeing as I just got my yak and all and haven't really been afforded the opportunity before to get out ON the water. I'd really like to show this Kiwi that we've got some great fishing here in our freshwater lakes. So if there's somewhere within an hour or so in any direction of Orillia (I'm not really that picky on where we go) that you guys have fish/camped and remember being a good time I'd like to hear about it! Thanks!! And hopefully I'll have some pics to show of Martindale Pond off the Yak tomorrow night!! Later!
  8. Nice one! Not into carp fishing but I'll be sure to try and wrangle some of those bass! Thanks
  9. I'm gonna take my Hobie PA to Martindale Pond this weekend. Anyone fished it before? Don't really know what to expect. I heard there's good largemouth and apparently pike too. Hope I can hook 'em both!
  10. This is the view from the driver's seat. It's all you could ever ask for and then some. I'll put some more detailed ones up once I get it out again. Needless to say I was just a little too preoccupied when I had it out the first time!! Stay tuned!
  11. Yeah definitely had my numbers wrong there! Hahah What's fifty pounds anyway! Whoops!! I'll post some pics when I get back from the Harbour this weekend. Hopefully they'll have fish in them!
  12. Do you fish the whole harbour? I'm not sure where to start. Or where the fish are really. Do you go west of Dundurn and Princess Point area in the at little bay like thing? Or do you mostly stay east of that in the Bayfront park sort of area? Also, what are you using mostly? I've been gettin some good success on soft plastics and spinners up north but not sure what to cast here. Any suggestions? Thanks again! Hope to see you out this weekend!
  13. Sounds good Pike! One seated though sorry! Hahah F is H, Yeah it's their patented mirage drive system. And you can move at a pretty astonishing clip if you're goin full out. But just for trolling it doesn't even feel like you're pushing! Very efficient system. And because nothing rotates but instead is moved back and forth there is no jamming or tangling at all. Check out their website for videos of it working and more info Pretty amazing! It's very very well designed
  14. Mike Pike, Thanks! I'll check it out for sure this weekend. Maybe I'll see ya out there!
  15. Fish fishburn, Retail was $2695 on sale for $2395 Then I bought roof racks and locks and the cart for the kayak (all for which I received 15% off at Swift Canoe and Kayak in Gravenhurst). So after all was said and done it was about $3300. Best money I have ever spent! Every weekend is like a small vacation now. Love it!!!! Cudz, it weighs about 140-190lbs depending on what you have it loaded with and yes it's wider and exceptionally stable. When I'm not trolling with it (another amazing capability) I'm casting standing up without even thinking twice! And, again, if anyone has some advice on where to launch around here (Hamilton area) it wouldne great to hear about it! Thanks guys! P.s. There is still one left where I got mine! If you get the chance, go check it out!
  16. So I just bought the kayak of my dreams last week and took it to Fish Lake just north of Bracebridge from some quiet bass fishing. Oh man!! I was out for ten hours on the first session!!! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this thing is. If you haven't heard of it, you need to look it up. HobieCat.com and then look up the Fishing kayaks. Unbelieveable!! Anyway, now that I can finally get ON the water I'm wonderin if anyone has some insight as to where to launch. I'm thinkin of goin to the Grand this weekend. Or maybe the Credit or Bronte. I haven't really done any serious fishing in any of those places so if you've got some tips on those or any others I'd love to hear them! And again, PLEASE, go check out the Pro Angler if you're one for getting out by yourself and away from it all! Definitely my new favourite toy! Look forward to hearin back! Later!!
  17. I'm gonna be in orillia this weekend and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where I could get a line wet. I don't have a boat so anything i'd be doin would be from shore. Not even sure what would bite or what to expect but I figured this would be a good venue to find some answers! Any help would be great Thanks!!
  18. I would most definetly benefit from a mobile format!!! I am barely home around my computer so I'm constantly using my phone for any Internet usage I may have. I would absolutely love a mobile format (an iPhone app springs to mind and I can guarantee I'd pay for it!) so I can keep up to date with what's goin on in the angling world no matter where I am. Great idea! I really hope the demand is enough for this to take affect soon!!
  19. Hey man You still fishin the harbour and marina this time of year? I remember you sayin you caught your salmon under the lift bridge but now that that's over, what do you fish for when you're not chasin the steelers?
  20. I'll give it a whirl Thanks!
  21. I'd like to be able to get in a few more days of fishing before the ice comes in and was wondering if it's worth it to hit up the Bayfront Marina or Hamilton Harbour this time of year. I've heard jigging spoons will work in colder water but I'm not sure if they'll do the trick from shore and I dont' have a boat to get out on the water. Does anyone have any advice as to where to go and what to use in the Hamilton or surrounding area?
  22. If I was anyone but Rocky I'd be runnin from Bullwinkle! That is a LARGE animal!! Damn!
  23. Nice catch!! I can only imagine how fun that would've been!! Congrats!
  24. Pretty amazing stories, man. The miles on the truck are well worth it to know all the locations! I hope I can get to that point! Looks like you'll have another generation to post about too! Congrats!! P.S. What a perfect lunch! The epitome of fresh and simple. Fantastic!
  25. I'm gonna head out somewhere in the burlington/hamilton area today if anyone's interested in a fishin partner! Lemme know!
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