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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. I've got a feeling this show could be a real hit with the outdoors crowd, Mike, and it looks totally different to most of the stuff that's being offered to us lately. I think it's a great premise to take the trips right from the planning stage and then follow them thru the entire process.


    Just bare bones camping, canoeing and surviving in the bush.....that's what it's all about !!


    I for one always look forward to your stories and pictures on this board and if your new show will be anything like them, it's a guaranteed success......best of luck with everything and I'll be looking forward to it fer sure :thumbsup_anim:


    Thank's for the support Lew, appreciate it!

  2. Also I would put some focus on the getting there and the gear. And for gear I mean the stuff like canoes/tents ATV's and stuff you rigged up on your own.


    Nemo, that is exactly what we'll be doing, showing the entire journey from start to finish.

    Also a definite slant towards education as far gear, rigging, clothing etc.


    Thank's for the input appreciate it!


    And that goes for everyone else as well!

  3. Yes there's no doubt that delayed mortality upon releasing a seemingly healthy fish is a factor that most don't consider.

    There are certain specific situations that occur where I personally choose not to fish because of this. Prime example is fishing for steelhead when the temperatures in the river rise above 65 degrees, a typical scenario in May.

    When the water temp. rises above 67 it's like a switch goes off as far as steelhead activity goes. At that temp. or higher the parts per million of oxygen particles in a square inch of water is reduced to the point where it's very difficult for steelhead to gather enough oxygen for normal activity. When the temps. rise into the 70's mortality becomes an issue....

    Obviously angling for them under such conditions is pretty much a death sentence for the fish if hooked and a prolonged battle ensues.

    They're just not able to recover from the shock, the ensuing lactic acid buildup, and the lack of oxygen and they die...

    Now, in regards to the original question about catch and release, personally I'm all for it. As someone who fishes a lot, it's either practice safe catch and release or give up the sport entirely and join P3TA :D

    In actuality my favourite popular catch phrase is "selective harvest". While most of the fish I catch are returned there's still plenty of instances where fish are kept for consumption....

  4. Hi Mike,


    Hope all works out. One thing I did notice is that there does not seem to many episodes devoted to much bass or muskie fishing? I know there are a lot of shows already out there featuring bass fishing but there has to be reason for it demographic wise. Good luck as some of those trips look amazing!!





    Actually, the theme for the show was thoroughly researched before it was chosen. The fact that fishing isn't even in the name of the show is very telling.

    After looking at which shows in general have the highest ratings on networks like OLN, and how the vast majority of purely fishing shows are being handled by said networks, the direction to head in was clear...

    If I had to describe the show, it's primarily an outdoor adventure show with a slant towards fishing. Definitely not a show devoted purely to fishing.

    In fact, some of the episodes may have no fishing at all....

    As far as bass fishing goes, in the list of upcoming episodes one of the destinations is Quetico Park. Probably the best Smallmouth Bass fishing in N. America in my opinion. We'll be targeting them for sure! ;)

  5. A forum and email your questions are kind of redundant. You may save yourselves from answering the same questions over and over through email if you have a q&a area in the forums...


    Good luck with the pilot, it will be the deciding factor to get your show on the air :)





    Yeah, that kind of confirms what I was thinking too....thank's for the feedback Tony.

  6. Simply awesome Mike.....I wish you the best of luck.....If you need anything just let me know.




    Thank's Jason...pretty sure it was you who new what our plans were first...

    You're definitely a kindred spirit that's for sure!


    brkygetr: as far as where and when the pilot will be available, the only thing I CAN guarantee is we'll have it on our website for viewing sometime in June.

    Like I said, at this point the whole thing is still just a dream. We'll definitely get either a yes or no from the networks we're dealing with in early June as well. Only then will it (hopefully) be a reality.


    Don't any of you guys have any criticism? Come on, it can't be all that good! :D Tell us what you think should be changed or tweaked!


    Cheers, Mike

  7. First off, thank's to TJ, Roy, and rest of the mod's for allowing me to post this!


    Many of you are already aware of our project, but for those of you who aren't, my partner and I

    have been busy the last little while creating a new outdoor adventure series for network television.

    We've kind of been in a bubble while doing this with pretty much all the feedback we've had up to this point

    being decidedly biased.

    Please take the time to have a look at our website (my signature at the bottom of the post). It's not completely

    finished yet, but it's close, and will definitely give you a good idea of what the show's all about. The "episodes"

    link is probably the most informative.

    If you guys have any thoughts, ideas or criticism, whether it's positive or negative, please speak up! We'd really

    love to know what you think.

    Finally, I'd just like to say that this certainly wasn't anything that I pursued. In fact I kind of feel like Forest

    Gump, as it just seemed to happen out of the blue! :D

    At the moment we've got 2 filming dates scheduled, one in May, and another in June. Some sponsorship already, and some serious interest from a couple of networks which will ultimately depend on how much they like our pilot


    So nothing is etched in stone or guaranteed. At the moment it's just a dream..... :)


    Very much looking forward to what you guys have to say!


    cheers, Mike

  8. Well, I set out alone early this morning to fish the whirlpool and was met with this sight when I arrived




    All that white stuff is ice chunks :devil:


    Here's a couple more shots of the ice





    Went for a walk and almost stepped into this!




    This guy seemed to be disgusted with the ice too




    His partner found a perfect spot for a nest, safe from predators...




    A couple of cool shots







    So I saw some nice scenery and had a nice hike, but no fish today :(

    But then it's not really about the catching anyway is it? :)


    In all honesty the river wasn't completely unfishable. If was willing to time my drifts

    and put in my time I likely could have scratched out a couple, but I just didn't have

    it in me today :P .


    Yard work is beckoning anyway....time to break out the rake!


    cheers, Mike

  9. Great pics Solo once again. Can I ask what lake you where near when up on the Kap? I've fished up there for the last 6 yrs and have been on the Kap once. It was the most consistent fishing for walleyes i've ever had with non stop fish for 5 days.






    Sure bud, we were on Saga lake. Let me guess, you were on Jungfrau just downstream? ;)


    It's a great area, no doubt about it.

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