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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Excellent pictures.................but, why are they on your "work" computer, :lol:




    Your daughter is an absolute gem.




    I suspect you released that 30 incher.


    Thanks for those solopaddler, aka Mike.


    On my work computer by mistake actually....although I DO have a lot of free time to putz around here. :P


    My daughter takes after her mom ;)


    And yes, I did release the fish, although you'd never know it by the Izumi death grip I had on it! :D

  2. Well, as I sit here in my office hard at work :D , I discovered a file on my computer with a bunch of cool pictures in it from last year and thought I'd share a few with you.

    Some you "may" have seen before....not sure. Most were forwarded to me from friends, some I took myself later in the year.


    June 2006 here's me lining our boat up the Kapakatongwa River north of Nakina




    Our shore lunch fish caught just upstream from those rapids




    Georgian Bay December Steelhead and Coho Salmon





    Cold hands!




    Big Water Chrome




    March double header!




    Georgian Bay bullets





    Nice release shot




    End of day festivities (that was a particularly good day :D )




    My daughter Riley's 3rd birthday last August :)




    My cabin from the water and the view from my deck





    30" Walleye caught right in front of my cabin :D




    Hope you enjoyed!


    cheers, Mike

  3. I guess I should have mentioned that I turned my Storm electric fillet knife into a smoldering piece of plastic on Sunday. Thank god it came on the last fish and I only needed to use my regular fillet knife to remove the skin off 2 fillets. CTC gave me a new one Monday AM, and it almost went after another 60 Crappie on Monday nite.


    I'll use the Storm until it craps out again, but I'm thinking of picking up the Rapala knife that plugs in and has a battery......anyone have this knife and if so good reviews?


    Glad you guys like the report!


    Hey, that's the one I just bought! I'll let you know how it is when I get the chance to use it...

  4. I have food allergies as well, but mainly allergic to MSG (monosodium glutamate). When I went to the specialist to test my allergies, it's so funny that almost all the food they tested on me had some sort of reaction. Right now I'm the portable MSG tester, whenever my family and I went out for a meal, if I had MSG allergic reaction, we would mark it down and never went to that restaurant again :P


    Kind of like the canary in a coal mine scenario :D


    Glad to hear you're okay Corn Nug...

  5. Impressive report and nice catch! You tired of cleaning the little buggers yet? :D

    I recently picked up an electric fillet knife strictly for cleaning a bunch of panfish. Never used one before, but am willing to try anything to make the chore easier. I brought a huge mess of perch back from Simcoe in February and it just about killed me cleaning them...

  6. .... Take lots of beer.


    LOL! Some good advice beerman. Can never have enough on a week long fly-in :D


    In all seriousness, you guys have pretty much covered everything. Especially having someone like jnic who's been into the lake 6 times...now that's a goldmine of info there!


    Cheers darcy, I'm sure you'll have a great trip!

  7. I know, I just logged on so I could reply to this thread.

    Amazingly, since January I've been planning my dates using the calendar sitting on desk....As it turns out it was an old one :D . I seriously can't believe I didn't notice this before now. Shows how much I pay attention to the small details.

    I wasn't exactly sure on the date of the opener up there, only that after I checked online a couple months ago and looked at my callendar that it was the Saturday of the long weekend..which in itself is not correct. Man I'm an idiot :wallbash:

    Now I've got to rearrange my work schedule so I can get up there on Thursday now instead of Friday.


    Cheers, Mike :P

  8. Great report Mike,


    Do I recognize that grip? Looks like one of Dom's creations??? Very sharp indeed.




    How in the heck did you know that?! LOL!


    You must be a member of the Quest Board!

    If you're not, then VERY good eye. It's not like Domenic Frederico is a household name! :D

  9. i am heading to sand lake, with air melancon. up around the clova area.


    Unless there's another Sand Lake that air Melancon flies into, it's actually primarily a pike and walleye fishery along with some lakers (definitely no spec's).


    Seems odd to be flying in on the 15th, 'cause at least in my part of N/W Quebec in the Rouyn Noranda area where my cabin is, Walleye and Pike opens on the 21st of May this year....

  10. Well, with prospects for some decent steelheading being pretty grim for the lake Ontario trib's, I decided to head north today.

    It was a solo trip as the rest of my friends had this annoying "work" thing getting in the way. :D

    Anyhow, since I'm so wiped out I'm not going to get too wordy here.

    All in all it was a very decent day. The weather was amazing and I went 6 for 8 on the fish with some very long and epic battles.

    At one point I had a beauty fish in the 15lb class beached at my feet. I grabbed the tippet with one hand while I fumbled for the camera, she lunged and got off :angry:

    So no pic's of the big one, you'll have to take me at my word. ;)

























    Cheers, Mike

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