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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Some good advice here....

    So just to emphasize, as MJL has said already don't spool your reel with fluoro. Its properties are more condusive to being used on a baitcaster or as tippet or leader material.

    Spool your reel with any quality 8lb test mono. Run your float and the bulk of your split shot on your 8lb mainline if your floatfishing, then tie on a lighter (4,5,6lb) tippet either using a tiny black swivel or direct to your mainline.

    As far as long 2 piece rods in the car, unless you're driving a Smart Car it's not an issue. Put the rod between the 2 front seats, reel on the floor beside the passengers legs, rod tip pointed toward the rear of the car.

    No problem at all...

  2. Hope everyone's doing well!, I've been away since July 6th enjoying a little family time up at the cottage.

    With an almost 4 year old and 9 month old it was hard to do very much fishing, but then that's not what these trips are about anyway.

    The trip started out bad for me....the first full day there I injured my leg trying to move the outhouse. I was lifting it up using my legs when I felt something tear in my left calf. Felt like someone stuck a steak knife in my leg :blink: !

    After that I couldn't really walk on my left leg. I iced it and wrapped it in a tensor bandage and that helped a bit, but I was hobbling around all week. Man it sucks getting old!

    I'll being seeing the doctor on Monday to get it checked out, but I'm pretty sure I already know what the problem is...

    Anyhow, we made the best of the situation. My daughter Riley is becoming quite the Walleye catching machine which is cool to see. I set her up with a jig and worm and she caught us 2 fish for our dinner the second night. Set the hook and reeled them in all by herself :) .

    Here she is fighting one (although you can't see the bend in her rod)


    She insisted on a stringer shot (chip off the old block :D ) and I managed to capture her with a look of grim determination on her face!


    My son Brendan was constantly zooming around the cabin in his walker at a million miles an hour smashing into everything including his crippled dad :D .


    I have a feeling he's going to be a holy terror. Here he is trying to pull his big sisters hair.


    Just before this picture was taken he bopped Riley on the head with his corn cob. He always has this devilish look on his face :P .


    We're far enough north that the blueberries are already ripening and Joanne and Riley picked a bunch while I sat on the deck, nursed my leg (and a beer ;) ) and took pictures.



    Had to take this pic of Brendan getting a sponge bath, he's such a happy little guy! :)


    One day Riley begged me to inflate our tube. No problem, although neither she or mommy had any intentions of being pulled around in it. They wanted me, bum leg and all to get in it. 'Course I obliged and they did there best to wipe me out every chance they could :P . It was fun though...


    Here's a nice shot of Joanne and Brendan on the point of our cottage


    Joanne and the 2 kids playing on the pump dock beside the lake



    One of the highlights for Riley was feeding this family of ducks that hung around our dock every day.


    When I did get the chance to head out alone (rarely) the fishing was very good though. Early morning was best from 5 to 9. Lindy Rigs with an air injected crawler, or a 3" twister tail and worm drifted across the tops of the shoals was killer. Once the bite slowed a bit and the sun rose higher pulling a 2oz bottom bouncer and spinner rig along the sides of the shoals in deeper water (25-35') put some real nice walleyes in the boat. Largest of the week was a solid 28 inch fish, probably around 8lb's that I nailed on a worm harness in deeper water..

    I had orders from the mother in law to bring her some fish, so went out on the shoal the last morning to accomodate her :D .

    Of course the obligatory stringer shot was in order ;)


    Beyond the leg injury it really was a fabulous trip, It's priceless to be able to spend time with the whole family together.

    If the leg permits I'm going to try to head up in a week or 2 to fish a few more back lakes. Actually I was tipped off about 2 brook trout lakes which amazingly enough I didn't know about. They're at the top of the mountain at the end of my bay (so very close). I'm going to bring the float tubes up and try (try is the key word with my bum leg) to hike up there....


    Cheers, Mike

  3. Sounds like a good topic for a poll here.

    I'm kinda curious what a Phoebe is.

    The Phoebe I know wouldn't make the list.

    She broke my heart in grade 4, I even gave her my last Twinkie.




    It's more popular in the States, but trust me the Phoebe spoon has developed an underground cult following among trout fishermen here in Canada. If memory serves douG likes this lure too :D .

    It's one of my favourite spoons for Brookies and Lakers along with the E.G.B.

  4. Top of the Morning to Ya.

    Yeppers....it's FRIDAY for me!! Itching to get some fishing in - heading to Petrie Island with my 13 yr old son over the next few days. Hope to have a report with loads of pics lol


    Happy Summer Everyone :)


    Good luck and have fun!


    And hey, besides Fisherman and myself who are currently at work and have a good excuse to be up so early, I've got to ask the rest of you: don't you ever sleep? :D

  5. I was enjoying my Saturday morning coffee and paper when my little girl started bugging me to bring her to the park so I could push her on the swing.

    Her prodding got me thinking that I really need to get one for the backyard...she just loves swings. So then my handyman instincts kicked in, LOL! I realise I've probably got enough wood left over from another project to build one. Had some leftover deck stain as well, so all I needed to do the job was a few carriage bolts, a handful of U bolts and some chain, about 15 bucks total.

    Took me most of the day to complete, and the better part of a 12 pack (Steam Whistle is GREAT beer BTW :D ) but it was a fun little project and my daughter Riley loves it!




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