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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Well, my wife and I needed a new patio set asap we and looked high and low for one last weekend.

    Not too many available as most stores don't carry them this time of year and at least the ones we looked at were pretty junky looking.

    So anyway earlier this week I see an ad in the paper for a wooden patio set, asking $200.

    I go over Tuesday morning to look at it, and man was it rough looking!

    The person selling had no idea what kind of wood it was, "some kind of hardwood I think" he says.

    Well, fact is I identified it right away as teak. If you don't know how much this stuff costs, google and check, you'll be shocked.

    I ended up talking him down to $150, and drove away feeling like a thief, LOL!


    Wasn't thinking at the time so no before pictures, but rest assured it was gross.

    17 hours of sanding, then 3 hours of rubbing teak oil into it and voila, a work of art :) .

    Picked up some cushions and an umbrella this morning to finish it off...






    I just love doing stuff like this, working with my hands where the results are so immediate

    and tangible!

    Saving roughly $1200 isn't so bad either ;) .


    cheers, Mike

  2. Good stuff solo, nice of you to be so helpful, I'm sure your uncle is grateful!


    Now, when do we get to come up and get a 'tour' of the lake *ahem* property ;)




    Headed up with the Miloman sometime next month, you're welcome if you'd like Tony!


    To Blaque and Rob V: You'd actually be surprised how cheap some of these properties can be

    if you're willing to drive far enough north.

    I bought mine 5 years ago for 25K....

    My uncle spent a bit more than that, but then my place is in Quebec. For whatever reason prices seem to be a wee bit more in Ontario.

  3. They have a great big GIANT TROUT at the north west end of the lake. I always remember the big animals throughout Ontario.


    Yep, you're right.

    Whenever I'm giving people directions it's always kind of cool to say either "turn left" or "turn right" at the giant trout, LOL!


    Have you seen the statue in Hearst of a bunch of wolves attacking a bull moose?

    That's my favourite, very cool!


    Thanks everyone else for the congrat's, I'll pass them along shortly to my uncle.

  4. Mike your uncle has it made there

    that actually is my favorite lake when im up there

    the fishing is very good before moose season


    ill send you a pm later


    I knew this one wouldn't slip by you Rene, that's pretty much your backyard! :D .

  5. Not mine, but it is in the family.

    My uncle just called to let me know he's closing the deal on this place as we speak.

    I'm pretty happy for him, I've been helping him in his search for the last 4 years

    now and he's been frustrated so many times at not finding exactly what he wants.

    He really likes the area my place is at in N/W Quebec and has focused his search


    As it turns out this place is in Ontario, 15 mins. from my landing.

    A lot of reno's on the horizon, but at least this place has road access,

    makes things a bit easier.

    When I rebuilt my place every single piece of material had to be hauled

    over in my little tin boat.

    Soon as I get off work tonight I'm gonna stop by and see him for a couple

    of pops and some congratulations. He's one happy man :) .


    Here's a shot of the cottage from the lake. Can't see it too well, but he's got over

    200' of frontage including the little beach where he drove down to launch his

    cartopper last weekend.



    Here's the view from the dock


  6. Restrictions? there sure are Dan! DO NOT use one of these rods



    With one of these reels mounted on it



    And one of these tied on the end



    While these types of rigs are commonly used on the Credit river by what

    I like to call, "drooling, knuckle dragging bank mutants", they tend to be

    frowned upon so steer clear! :D:D:D


    (sorry Dan, couldn't resist :) )

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