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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Well, after contacting ebay in an attempt to get some confirmation on the legitimacy of this auction, within 2 hours they pulled the listing and contacted me saying do not provide this person with any information.

    Guess it was what it appeared to be, a scam :D

  2. Well his feedback seems to be okay. I would guarantee with Ebay that the insurance is there to cover the deal first in case anything goes wrong. Otherwise, he only has 3 bad feedback and has been dealing on ebay since 1989.




    Damn you woman, stop putting ideas into my head! :D

  3. It's currently listed on ebay:




    I emailed him saying I'd buy it for his asking price of $3500, but had a bunch of questions including wanting to talk to him directly..


    Here's his response to me:


    "I would first like to let you know that the boat is in perfect condition and will be come with a clear title. Price is $3,500.00 including the shipping, my associate will ship it via BoatTransportQuotes. I`m currently in Miami running a reseller business. If you want to buy it, email me your shipping address including the full name and i will initiate the sale through eBay. After that, you will get an online insurance from eBay with the payment instructions. Please also include your eBay ID in your reply."


    Thank you

  4. Anyhow, I'll keep at them at the mouths and piers as long as they are around. I'm no longer interested in pursuing them in the tribs. Sure, the crowds can be bad at times, but I just feel better knowing that they are being legitimately hooked. That and they are so much nicer looking when you get them just as they come in from the big lake.


    Timely words Cliff considering some of the recent posts.

    Some nice fish, congrat's!

  5. Quite a rant Louis :D.

    Do agree with everything you said except that the 'nooks won't gobble up a roe bag when they enter

    a river. When they're unmolested and relatively fresh run they will.

    I'll be fishing tomorrow, and most likely MUCH lower down than most of the flossers and liners and am more interested in the ho's anyway.

    You know as well as I do they'll hit a roebag ;) .

  6. Who would be envious of dirty half rotten salmon way upstream. Knowing Nater personally, he's an avid steelheader and everything he knows about salmon and steelhead comes from the years he has fishing for them on his belt.


    I could understand if you haven't caught a salmon ever in your life before.. but Im pretty sure that 'avid' steelheaders such as D Masse himself know that salmon mean nothing to them. Why do you think I spend over fifty bucks on hooks a month once the steelhead are in with the salmon? I hook a salmon and snap it right off. I sure wouldn't like to deal with a half deteriorated tail and milt all over my breathables, especially all the bonus hooks you get with landing a salmon. It could sure send you into the EM if you do happen to get caught up in that treble hook.


    Some say they hit out of agression and everything and I believe that because I have seen a salmon hit a shiny streamer before, but more than half the time you are 'flossing' them in the mouth, this is exactly like the pier marshmallowing technique. I have taken friends who have never caught salmon to that hole recently shown in the pictures above. They came out quite happy with the results, but they have understood what I was teaching them and they began to understand the concept of 'lining' or 'flossing' which makes tributary salmon fishing quite different, especially when you hook in the dorsals and other parts of the body more than half the time.


    Bring on the fish that actually take a roebag or a fly for a change. BRING ON THE STEELHEAD!


    Just my 0.02 cents,



    I'm not a huge fan of salmon fishing once they've entered small trib's like that, but it is fun

    and a good means of harvesting eggs for the real fishing later in the fall.

    Many of these fish are indeed flossed, but don't kid yourself, they definitely do hit...no doubt about that, especially when they first enter the river.

    Floatfishing the piers/estuaries/breakwalls with skein chunks can be electrifying as well. No doubt

    about the takedowns there, they're absolutely savage.

    I'll be hitting one of the western trib's myself tomorrow....scuzzy old boots or not, they're going

    to be there in numbers with this rain and I guarantee you they'll be hitting aggresively. ;)

  7. It's already been mentioned twice, but yeah, cat hair works just fine as dubbing.

    It can be used as an effective substitute for a bunch of standard nymph patterns.

    Another great source of free tying materials is your local furrier (they make fur coats).

    I know they're becoming pollitically incorrect, but they're still around and usually have

    no qualms about giving away any leftover scraps.

    One of my favourite patterns for years was a strip leach streamer tied with mink fur :D .

    Be creative, you're imagination is the only constraint when it comes to developing and

    tying your own flies...

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