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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Well, I was talked into heading east for a morning of salmon fishing off one of my favourite breakwalls.

    Wasn't overly optimisic (it's usually better at night this time of year), but did manage one decent fish on

    a fire tiger Mepps Cyclops spoon. What a rush, that fish took off on several long blistering runs and took at least 20 mins. to subdue....


    Here's the fish boiling shortly after the hookset



    Couple of action shots :)




    Beaching it...



    Got it!



    For those that are considering the night shift the next couple of nights should be very good.

    There was tons of fish rolling in the lake just beyond casting range...


    cheers, Mike :Gonefishing:

  2. Floatfishing off the piers or breakwalls with huge chunks of cured skein, or giant roebags tied in hot pink scarfing.

    Gotta use scarfing, the regular spawn net doesn't make a bag big enough.

    Also has to be hot pink. For whatever reason that colour enrages them especially

    when you're talking staging fish that are still relatively fresh.

  3. Awesome report!

    I've paddled the Mag myself a couple of times, exact same route starting at Wawashkesh.

    Did you guys run Canal rapids? I had a blast running those rapids both times I was there.

    Mind you the water levels were higher and most of the hazzards were burried underwater,

    so it was basically just throw out a brace and hang on :D .

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