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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Thanks for posting that Cliff.

    Steelheading is a game of timing, you look at the weather forecasts, check the flow gauges, pick a destination and take your chances...

    The spot we fished yesterday is usually either boom or bust, and can be frustrating when you drive that far and encounter those kinds of crowds (most I've ever seen there btw, don't people work anymore? LOL!).

    I did feel bad for you as that wasn't exactly the type of experience I was hoping for.

    In any case newbie steelheader or not you're a good angler and a nicer person and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

    Till next time bud.....

  2. Report will have to come Friday morning...I'm a little tired after fishing all day with Solopaddler and his buddy...then meeting up with bly to do a little night fishing...LOL


    I must be insane.....


    I think I'm falling aslee.................................................................................




    Wow, you are insane!

    But your enthusiasm is infectious :)

  3. I think I'm gonna let Cliff tell the story, but another friend of mine Andrew and myself hooked up with Cliff today and we found a huge run of chromers! :P


    (these pic's are all from today)








    (I should probably mention we didn't fish this spot, LOL!)

  4. Apparantly I'm a heart surgeon in Toronto.

    This fact was hit home recently when when I went to the local TD where I do my banking

    to transfer funds from one account to another and found I had over 60k in my chequeing

    account :P .

    The teller had inadvertantly pulled up Mr. Heart Surgeons account by mistake who also happens

    to bank at TD.

    Crossed my mind for a nanosecond to transfer a few K into my own savings account...

    I mean hey, what's a few K to someone with that kinda coin :dunno:



  5. I've paddled the 'geen from Walkerton to Paisley a few times.

    It's a good long one day paddle if you spend time fishing.

    You most likely won't encounter steelhead in that stretch right now, although it is possible.

    What you will encounter is great smallmouth bass fishing and decent sized resident rainbows

    and browns in some of the holes.

    The water level is a joke it's so low, so if you paddle pretty much any part of the river you're

    better off with an abs or royalex canoe of some kind as those plastic canoes tend to slip over

    the rocks better.

    There would definitely be stretches where you're dragging the canoe over rock gardens 'cause

    of the water level.

    If it's steelhead you're after then yes, belows Denny's is your best bet.

    If you want to try something different you can throw your boat in the lower river at the boat launch

    and fish your way up river to the first rapids.

    There's a lot of steelhead milling around in the lower river waiting for rain before they run and pretty much

    your only shot at them is with a boat...

  6. You're right to a degree Solo,...I actually live right besdie one of those crowded lake O tribs,..I rarely fish it however. Within one hour of TO,..I can show you productive spots that even on warm sunny October days you might only see 5-6 other anglers,..and its not like down here,..you would acutally stop and talk to these guys cuz they made the same effort you did. Actually I remember 6-7 overcast outings in a row last year in oct/nov where I got into multiple fish and never saw another angler, except my buddy. Ive been doing alot of homework since then as well as mapping, plan to have many many more of these spots before too long. cheers!!!


    Yeah well, I don't include the east trib's in my statement 'cause I rarely if ever fish them :).

    There's no doubt you can find solitude up north, but seeing 5 or 6 other guys doesn't equate

    into complete solitude either in my books.

    The days where you see no one else are pretty rare...

    Anyhow, I agree with you as far as doing your homework, putting in the legwork and finding

    spots on your own. That's what it's all about.

  7. Not just talkin Niagara by any means...but I see many pics of anglers posing on rivers on this and other sites,..with 10 other anglers in the background,..I personally despise those situations,...and would much rather make the trek to chrome,..and have beavers and deer and herons as my neighbours on river....any thoughts....?


    I agree in principle, but living in southern Ontario crowds and steelheading usually go hand in hand unfortunately...unless you're driving to the north shore of Huron or Superior north of the Soo.

    There's always certain places or stretches of a particular river that offer complete solitude, but they're few.

    I do enjoy those rare days when I find it though...

  8. Gull lake eh?

    They still pulling big ones out of there? I fished it once back in the early 80's, it was known for producing big ones then...

    As far as turnover goes, I'd say yeah for sure it's turned over by now.

    Was talking to a buddy in Port Loring earlier this week and their lake turned already and you're north of that, so...

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