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Everything posted by skinny

  1. ok I got my hands on a older harbourcraft 14ft alum it needs a bit of tlc but it will work for me I would like to add 2 things to the boat I think maybe a wood floor and for sure a small casting deck in the front. I forgot to take pictures of the boat before i flipped it back over. My thoughts were to go from the nose back about 1/2 way between the first seat and the second I'm just not sure how to attach all this into the boat any one know of any good links for this type of stuff
  2. can some one send a picture of what they are to look like
  3. well back to this boring question added is a picture of how the blades were on the auger I started to remove them then took the picture are they on in the right way
  4. is there a way to check the angle to see if this one is bent
  5. is it possible that the blade mount could be bent I have ground off the start lag now
  6. it could be that as i didn't put new blade on it or anything i may try to find a set today . wil they still be ok for next year
  7. ok I was given a swede-bore auger to use it has ofset crank and fold up. first time out with it it took 2 of use just to get a hole started and cut. I talked to the guy that had it before me he did say it was a bugger to get going. I spoke to him and we decided to weld on a lag bolt for a center and start to sort of helpull the auger in. this worked until tuesday when the lug got broke off from someone twisting it sidways. anyway I know the auger should work with out the add on. i wonder if it is bent (is there a way to check) it needs the blades replaced or sharpend for that matter I'm not sure they are on correctly. any help or pictures would be great . I would like to get out one more time either tomorrow or Sat
  8. think it was the wilcraft I saw just kinda looking for ideas might be a project to mess with
  9. hey there a while back i saw a video(might have been tv show) was a guy built a self powered fish hut and i think it had a bunch of hydraulic stuff runing it if anyone knows where or has a vid. a link will be good
  10. something smells and I don't think it's fish this time. I just havn't figured out whats up. i bet she will just pocket this one for later and use it as one of those remeber when deals
  11. well something must be up cause my wife is only off on Sunday and Monday and said we could go as a family on Sunday to the fishing show and I'm already going ice fishing on Monday. something must be wrong or she is up to something. Why do I feel this will cost me
  12. anyone going out of longpoint that has room for another dude to fish
  13. Got mine today grey one . My Kids now want one each they said dady where is mine . thanks Dave once again and youy will be hearing from me and thanks to T.J. for dealing with it
  14. oh man #4 well the shirt will be cool thing also thanks again Dave and OFC
  15. great show makes me want to go fishing down there for those big girls. i loved the way he would compare that type of fishing with stuff most of us are more comon too
  16. what is the best place to get ice conditions also how unreal is hut rental I have a friend who use to fish many years ago said i could use his equipment I could go out from just about any area around the inner bay I'm pretty close
  17. i'm located in Delhi but would ship the item here if need be the model # is 12D18B serial 32839 i will gt pictures today
  18. I just picked up what is supose to be a 12hp johnson it is missing the recoil and orgina hood but it did come with a 18hp hood that seems to almost fit (I could modify it ) any way looking for place that might have parts
  19. hey all thanks for the direction i was looking with poor search tools
  20. back when i ran my shop i use to always put the tubes in the can that held the pens by the phone I think I still have a bunch let me know what you need
  21. I'm sure this has been around I looked a bit (few pages back) i have just aquired my first boat with an outboard attached it will be outside for the winter but want to ensure I don't have issues in spring. the boat is ariving home on friday going to run it a bit just cause it's new to me then what do i do to store it so it doesn't freeze and such
  22. well looked at it it's a 40 merc says it runs it has the nose enclosed and all the steering on the left like norm 2 seats side by side and a floor/deck behind the seats i forgot my phone so no pics says he has paper work for it but it's not there the 40hp is a bit much for the area i fish in but I also do want to go out on lake erie what to do what to do the boat is a steal of a deal I think oh no trailer so I would have to figure out the move part too
  23. i found good deal on a 14ft alum 1975 mirrocraft /2 seats / deep hull(no leaks) /steering wheel with 40 hp on back it'a about an hour away from me and the guy has no camera I'm not sure if this is the style I have been looking for because I don't know that much about mirrocraft. I have looked a bit but not sure I'm looking at the right stuff on the net i would like to know I'm going to look at what I want instead of wasting time and links or help would be great
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