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Everything posted by skinny
Do you know who/where you called if you can send me msg with info and I will try it
Cooked a board in my power drive V2 so looking for place to get new/used or find someone that has broken ones I can get parts from
I have a minkota power drive V2 that was giving me trouble until today it seems it’s the control board (one under the battery test) my trolling motor became intermittent on the drive part not steering I had thought it was bad connection I pinched things and put back together it had worked for 3 fishing trips until today it started fine but then was acting up I pulled covers messed with connections and it kind worked a bit then I got the smell of electronics burning yes I let the magic green smoke out of the electronic board so now looking anyone with a basket case or spare parts or a suggestion on where to get from
Cheap filter cheap oil for flushing
I’m shooting for hitting water for under 1000
Ok so I had the original motor running but made noise couldn’t find the noise after looking a bunch and had others look did compression test and got 0 on #3 decided to look for motor after checking out some leads to seized motors I decided to pull the head on mine thats when I found a missing valve and piston on #3 at that point I located another unsized motor and drive but 1.5 hours away went and got it all pulled intake to use the one I had and found a bad crack repair good thing my brother can weld cast so now at this point second motor is in boat and runs now dealing with getting drive on so that’s the story and keep all posted IMG_3814.MOV
I have actually acquired a replacement 4cyl and a second outdrive so we will see how it goes once it’s all put in
4cyl gm2.5 catch is they used it a bunch of years but then made changes I’ve been trying to figure out the last year and model so it easier to get gaskets and bits
Before going in deep I ran with out belt on so that should have eliminated the water pump and the alt
It starts and runs but it has a bit of noise thought in the front of motor like a loose timing chain removed cover to find gear to gear no chain so hopefully I can find gasket tomorrow to close it up might try running with front mount off see if the sound is in mount
just got me a 18’alum and trailer still digging at it motor I think is making noise kind of rattle I thought it was in front of motor pulled timing cover thinking maybe wore chain it’s gear to gear this was good buy but not so if can’t get her going My go to for boat repair parts has retired and shut down im looking for omc 4cyl 120 (possibly complete) at very least I currently need vaLve cover gasket timing cover gasket and still trying to figure out noise also engine trim motor it has a electric shift stinger so could be interested in one to
There is a guy in outside Brantford that was doing repairs for sometime now Paul's Marine Welding , 14 Mulholland Lane Lynden Ont , L0R 1T0 519-647-2110 Aluminum Boat Repairs , Hull Re-Riveting , Props & Skegs , Transom Wood Replaced With White Oak m Bow Stem Repair , Cracked Manifold Welded , Floors Replaced , Marine Plywood or Aluminum , Carpet vinyl , Please call with your needs , Thanks Paul 519-647-2110 ive never used him chatted once told me how to buck my own and said he would be interested if that didn’t work
I've never used one only time ever fished this area was out of fishmasters years ago looking to maybe head down that way from Delhi (1 hr drive) on Sunday will be using 14' tinner so just trying to prep thanks
are people using reg rods or more back bone and rigging type rods
Yes he is I just got to get to him
I do have all my down rigging equipment riggers lead core long line rods is that stuff usable or go get btm bounce stuff
Ok so years ago I fished dunnville a bit (Bass) but I remember seeing people trolling I no longer have a large boat to hit lake but I have my gear and a 14’ boat thinking of rigging it up or is lead fine maybe only deer divers are needed any help or suggestions
Some time ago I was lucky enough to be the recipient of one of your custom rods . It was built for the fish a thon for a cure . I used this rod as I was told it was not to be a shelf queen well today the top section broke in two was it fishing Waterford ponds when it got snagged in weeds I stopped and didn’t do anything as the other person in boat had fish on as soon as we were done landing I picked up the road and did a slow steady. Snap that was it and it broke it was really an odd thing as it didn’t feel that stuck and after the break everything just cranked into the boat looking for Spiel the builder of the rod with hopes of new top section
making the trip is not such a issue as causing a war in the family because someone cant go due to having to work it's what I live with
my Daughter was looking to order a hoodie for her boyfriend (bday gift) but by the time all the shipping is done it's 78.00 and not sure if that's cnd or US funds some time ago I remember someone was saying of a way to order and ship right from Vaughn store. We thought of making the trip but can't seem to get the family schedual to work out (everyone wants to go) or is anyone going that way and is close to Delhi that might play mule thanks a ton Tim
The boat is 16 ft bowrider
I don't really have room for a portable garage ( tried a canopy from ctc but to big for driveway So I'm stuck with some sort of cover or tarp Not sure I have funds to get a mooring cover done but might look into
ok so I bought a boat a year ago Oct and it came with a big grey tarp i thought that was great as I figured it was prob expensive and It would work nice. Well I stored the boat with it covering it and when i went in Feb to get it because of some needed repair I found out the tarp was crap. It had let water through it and a lot of it . I got the boat home and then off to tsc and bought another grey tarp well it didn't make it thru the summer and I found spots leaking. so for the winter last year I had the boat shrink wrapped and then i stored it. I just brought it home today . i haven't broke into the shrink wrap yet because I don't have a way to cover it up looking for ideas. for reasonable cost
going for eyes on erie how many lb braid and how much is suggested as I may switch the one rod I have on mono over to braid and dipsy I'm not trusting enough for mono and dipsy
ok I'm new to dipsys and down rigging and all that stuff so been out few times with riggers and some lead but now i got some dipsys once i was out with another guy he was all over my terminal swivles and clasps said they were wrong and he put on these monsters he had (I think to big) anyway i now have 2 rods with counters and they came with little dipsys and were tied direct and the leader line was tied direct too. I also have a larger dipsy and snubber so i was reading on net guys use beads to for some reason what do you do use and such I'm just trying to wade thru all the stuf so I'm not loosing tackle and trying 100000000 things with no result help