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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Personally if a bass boat is headed in my direction I would rather they stay on the power and go right on by if they slow down the wake is way bigger as long as they stay 50+ feet away I have no problem with them buzzing by .I can't understand why people enjoy trolling for walley on the great lakes it's like reeling in a garbage bag but I would never say they aren't fisherman because they choose to fish this way .I would think bass is likely the most pressured fish in most lakes because the smaller ones are almost suicidal and will hit just about anything but the big ones are hard to come by and to consitantly catch big bass takes a lot of skill and knowledge just like catching any fish of above average size not everyone can do it .

  2. I just had a really good customer service experiance with Livetarget lures . Over the winter I purchased a new lure and I was really looking forward to trying it well a couple weeks ago on bass opener I pulled it out and tried it an I knew right away something wasn't right so I put it back in the package and contacted a company rep that I know of and explained the situation he asked for my address and with in days I had a new lure in hand and I will be putting it trhough it's paces this weekend .Anyways I just wanted to pass along my good dealings with this Canadian company I didn't expect it and was pleasantly suprised by thier service .

  3. Hi guys,


    Ok so my girlfriend and I are offically signed up, as well as my cousin but I had no idea he was signing up and vice versa (which is kinda cool)


    If someone could point me in the direction of a pledge sheet or e-mail me one ([email protected]) that would be awesome so I can get to work.


    I have one question though, my girlfriend really wants to participate in this tournament but at the current moment is not able to move her right hand at all. The poor thing has been going through radiation for cancer in her hand and they warned her it may get to this, we just didn't realize it will be that bad. They say it should return to normal as her therapy finished today but if she's signed up and has collected donations and isn't able to hold a rod on the day of the tournament is it ok if she comes along in my boat and spectates? I'm pretty sure she would probabally still enjoy that, just not sure how things go.


    Anyways both of us are really excited for this fish-a-thon. Can't wait to see everyone.


    Your GF is most certainly welcome to accompany you in the boat the tournament aspect of this event is very laid back .

  4. these are definately not new people have been dumping them into lakes for years and they can survive our winters the one I caught was on corn carp fishing and they fight really good there were 2 more caught after mine and none since so it was probably 1 person dumping their aquarium .here's a pic




  5. I usually launch in Port Rowan. Alot less traffic and you are in the inner bay. I found the launch at the provincial park to be a bit busy as well as some along the way.

    I have a seasons pass at the PP only time I ever wait is when a inexperienced boater decides to load their boat on the ramp or someone decides to drive their brand new RAM down the ramp to boost their dead battery (saw that this weekend ) its usually pretty slow I find not much traffic

  6. If the weather permits head east to Normandale it's not very far perch are usually in the weedbeds out from the small pier there in 10-15 fow best to go with a offshore wind though it is the outter bay and can get nasty quick

  7. i wish we did have a spot around here where we could drift and jig walters...good spots just arent along the north shore or outside of the longpoint spit.


    there are some better places outside of maitland where you might do better. id rather not deal with all the gear, and the engine running...


    I know of a few guys that do really well out of burwell/bruce drifting the only problem is with erie to get a good drift means it's rough and they can be hard to find without covering water most of these guys troll until they find a school and then jig right on top of them

  8. It has since been removed from Youtube.


    If you know how the Maitland typically looks, imagine a few guys fishing a pool. They catch I believe to be 3 smallmouth, of decent size, and release them, somewhat half-hazardly, but released nonetheless. They also catch a steelhead in the video. I think they called themselves the Bronte fishing club.


    They new exactly what they were doing was wrong and if you read any of the comments you would have seen that, I also reported it and may have a copy if the MNR needs it

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