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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Ohhhh, did we forget to warn you about that? :oops::rofl2::devil:

    That'll straighten your hair!



    Meh it was like getting nailed by a BBQ lighter but really fast LOL but it did elimanate the posibility of coil probs I checked the one that didn't light up the tester on purpose to make sure the coil was firing

  2. Thanks for the info guys I went and bought a sparkplug tester and my top plug is bad (Thanks Tybo) hope that will be the end of my issues the coils are all firing so it must be that plug (found out the coils work the hard way DON"T touch a inline spark tester while the engine is running LOL)

  3. I don't like the idea either. I always unwinch at the water and my feet never get wet. Does the guy working the launch own a nice boat??


    several for many many years both burwell launches are run by great people. if it's a steep ramp then Ron or his son know what they are doing although I leave the straps on until it's in the water if it's steep .

  4. I had the same issue with my '91 2 stroke this spring.

    Problem was a bad plug. Been fine since it was replaced.

    Change it first and if the problem is still there change the coil.


    Thanks that's re-assuring to hear someone had the same problem I will let ya's know how it works out

  5. Bottom plug should be wet.It`s wet from the other cyls draining down.A fouled plug should have heavy carbon build up.

    Get a spark tester it will make things easier.

    That makes sense and yes it had alot of junk on it when I looked at them they are (plugs) NGK without the bent peice for the spark to jump to (not sure what it's called ) but the the white insulation on the plug has black marks across it . the thing that is bugging me is it works good at idle and just above but bogs when you hit the throttle.

  6. Also take a close look at the plug wire to the coil. Could be cut or damaged somehow.


    I did inspect the wire but I suspect it is the coil itself from the kicking back in at low rpm's my buddy is a small engine mech and fixes seadoo's regularily I just cant seem to get ahold of him LOL Thanks for the idea's

  7. No it was a brand new 2 stroke warranty is only 1 year factory and the offer up to 5 years extended for $2800 which I couldn't justify paying 50% of the retail cost of the motor on extended warranty .Thanks for the imput guys the bottom cylinder is "wet" and I am going to replace the plugs and the coil on the bottom cylinder and hope that's the end of it I have suspected the coils were messing up as it occationally would hesitate while accelerating wish me luck :wallbash:

  8. I fished a tourney on st clair sunday and on the way out we were running 40mph and the motor bogged and we went down to 25mph but it sounded normal just no power , when we slow down you can feel the 3rd cylynder kick back on and start powering the boat it works fine at idle but as soon a you throttle it it boggs down I think it's a coil/plug or a carb/fuel prob . I am just looking for advice before I take it in hope this is the end of my engine issues it's only a year and a half old :wallbash:

  9. No fishing in the rivers. But there were a ton of FLW guys that came from the river.



    The winners were fishing the river you can go up a short distance to the first island I believe Canadian side only . Nice vid Mike ya couldn't have missed us we were the only boat going 25mph :wallbash: see my other post as to why LOL

  10. Great pics Frankie and *Juli*, thanks for not only taking the time to take them all, but also for posting and linking them. thumbsup_anim.gif


    It was my first outing to the Fish-a-Thon and though I didn't participate in the actual event I'm already planning on popping up a tent for the weekend next year and actually fishing it. My support will always be there as long as I'm able. ;)


    It was wonderful to finally meet you Frankie and the Mrs' and see some familiar faces as well as some new ones, SRT8 comes to mind right off. :)


    To those who made it happen, up front and behind the scenes, to quote Ryan, "You guys rock." clapping.gif


    It was nice to meet you to Spiel anytime you want to visit some of your old stomping grounds let me know some lake Erie steel perhaps ?

  11. After running a 4 stroke now for a few years, I would never go back to a 2... they are quiet, no oil to mix with the gas, great on fuel efficiency, and virtually no smell/fumes. However I know some of the bigger, newer 2 strokes are much improved, and run much cleaner than 2 strokes of yesterday. As for the new vs. used debate, I bought a used boat a few years ago - with my current Honda - the boat was a lemon, and caused me a lot of headaches, but the motor has been awesome. Always a bit of a gamble buying anything used... try and buy from someone you know takes good care of their gear if possible.




    I just fill the oil tank every 3rd tank of gas no mixing required and they aren't that much noisier when they are running at speed IMO




  12. Thanks so much everyone for the replies! The wealth of information on this forum is incredible. Obviously I haven't decided on a boat yet but when looking at the motor upgrades on the legend website I noticed that the price for a 50HP 4 stroke is $4500 and for the 50HP 2 stroke it's only 1800. Any real downfall to going with the 2 stroke instead of the 4 stroke? Obviously it's a major price difference but I have limited knowledge with this.


    Thanks Again,




    2's are a bit louder on idle and smell more they are peppier I love my 90 it pushes my 1825 lund at 40mph I don't think a 4stroke would hit that on my hull .Definately go max HP I still kick myself but I don't think a 125 would do to much more than the 90hp

  13. I think I have told this one here before but a couple years ago we were fishing near the entrance to a marina on the st clair river the channel is deep enough to have large frieghters in and out and it has a sand bar that comes off the seawall we were fishing the drop off and the weed line off of that sand bar when a 36-38' sea-ray comes down river 25' from is at 30mph turns 180 degree's and goes up the channel 25-30' up the other side of us causing a 4-5' wake coming at us from both sides we were in a 21' triton bassboat and it was full to the gunnels I had to do a Tebow and hold on for dear life on the back deck to stay in the boat it washed my sciccors and some soft plastics into the river the bilge pumps took 10 mins to empty the boat out if it wasn't full of water we would have chased them into the marina I thought we were going to sink . I always have bone heads run to close on longpoint bay it doesn't even bother me anymore

  14. the prices are competitive your hard pressed to fin a rapala for under $10 and some of the japanese companies are charging $20-30 for a mass produces crank bait it used to be only hand made lures could comand a price like that but now if it catches fish they triple the price Live Targets are worth it IMO and I will continue to use them I always buy my tackle in the winter and find deals all the time :thumbsup_anim:

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