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Everything posted by dews

  1. I too catch a few every year on the same stretch of the french .... got one two weeks ago . All have white tipped tails , although a very pretty fish not the true blues.
  2. Will be on dry pine bay the next 5 days .. i know water is still high there ..
  3. Nice work all of you !!!!
  4. we are on dry pine bay .... we compost everything ..... this would bad for a " recovering " water body that has trophy potential .
  5. great catch !!!! bottom of boat = slime removal ........
  6. dews

    GM strike

    i think this has alot to do with opening the govt. eyes to un-fair trade ..... the real reason the big 3 are no longer the big 3 .
  7. great report ! BBR .. is that pepsi you're drinking !!!
  8. nice brown...good night of fishing for sure !
  9. dews

    No Topic

    great report and pretty fish !!!! heading to the french this weekend ....
  10. variety is a good thing ...
  11. Our regular bait guy always tells us the pickeral is better for the eye's than the french river ...... still drive by it everytime though and never wet a line ..
  12. thanks for the help gents ..... heading to the local shop tonight to look at a few .... will let you know how i make out ..
  13. thanks for the reply davis ..... couldn't find a 01 in any of the 7000 models on their website though ? ..? which gear ratio do you recommend ....casting big stuff and trolling as well .
  14. Looking to buy a new reel .... was thinking of a abu 7000 big game ..... does anyone know if they are made in a left handed model ???? Good luck to all on the opener this weekend ...... i have to wait 2 more weeks !!
  15. raf .... i thought i recognized this pic from there as well . The O'brien fish ....I have been on that dock B4 !!
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