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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. Washington in 6 (i hope lol) in reality in 5

    New Jersey in 6 i have a really good feeling for Brodeur playin for the cup this year, although watchin them is like watching paint dry

    Boston in 5

    Pittsburgh in 7


    SJ in 4

    Chicago in 4

    Vancouver in 7

    Detroit in 7



    as for the OHL i pick the Wolves...... oh wait a minute...... Colts already KILLED us

  2. can someone explain how sites generate money with adds? is it simply letting the adds appear, or does the user (us) have to actually click on the add and visit the site?


    i rarely, if ever click on them but if that is how the money is made,(cant be much but i guess it adds up) i'm sure i can find time in my busy day HAHA to click on a few adds


    just curious



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