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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. wow, why are you assuming that the union wants to go to arbitrarion because it will not be fair and they will get what they want. Ever think that maybe the city is trying to make them take it up the rear, and they're looking forward to arbitration for a fair deal. Of course not just make up your own propoganda. Salary isn't the only part of a job.


    All i'm reading here is a crapload of jealousy. If the job is so easy and not worthy of anything then feel free to apply and get that "cushy" job. I wont be there.


    Until a full story comes out to the public on each unionized strikes (show me the entire contract, language and all, not just what either side wants to tell us about, which will never happen) people should think twice before judging.


    Sounds to me like people are having hard time dealing with the fact that ppl who may or may not have less education than you are making a better buck than you. Grow up and deal with it Sally.

  2. great report holdfast, love the pics of spike, i've also got a jack russell who loves the outdoors


    nothing illegal or unethical with those moose pics, very, very, common sight in the bush around here, the head does not have to be attached or transported with the animal, the vulva or scrotum do for sex identification, most likely if you were to return the next day all of it would be gone, other than the stomach contents, (and if something big enough is around to haul the head away )


    as for finding bones in bush, that is also very common, a little known fact, a few years ago rules were changed that required you to take ALL parts of the wild animal that you brought to a commercial butcher, which means all bones and waste, it is then to be disposed on crown land away from towns / homes for the other scavengers to eat, though a lot of commercial butchers still dispose of the waste with their regular waste it is illegal, also illegal for you to put it in with you're household trash or the landfill

  3. hi again folks, had a great summer and so far pretty good fall, update y'all on another day


    thought i'd update THIS post first,


    i as well as others have gotten a subpoena to appear in court on monday and tuesday for the theft of our outboard motors which occured just over a year ago,


    turns out the "accused" are a couple of polish fellows from etobicoke, i'm told they are part of a very large theft ring from southern ontario, unfortunately they arte charged with a bunch of "theft unders", it's considered that they stole from us as individuals (even though everything was stolen in the same little marina) and not as a whole,


    really not looking forward to a couple of long days in court but hopefully justice will be served,


    they have other charges to appear for next year aswell, they tried to leave the country and head back to poland this summer, but were caught at the airport


    anyways just thought i'd update the story for anybody interested,


    ps i have the names and adress of the thieves, if anybody from that area would be interested

  4. been there many times but haven't fished too hardcore, i've fished mostly lakers at the end ur lodge is at, take a left go under the bridge and there a good shoal at the point on ur left hand side, i think that end is called southcamp lake or bay or something, i've fished for pickeral here and there for fun and have caught some decent ones just out of the narrows towards the camps, it's a looooong lake so lots of water to explore, don't know much for spots but there's lots of camps on the lake so watch where others will be fishing,


    a ways up on ur left there's a finger the name escapes me right now, before the dam, (it's a sanctuary in the spring) i think alot of peope fish there,


    i'm pretty sure just casting along the shore near ur lodge u should be able to pick up small bass fairly easy,


    wish i could help you more, but like i said haven't fished much other than downriggin lakers


    good luck, might even see you out there

  5. awesome report,


    yes those are false morels and are poisonous if eaten raw, if you cook em up they are perfectly safe, those are the only type of morels we get around here and at the right time i easily pick a 5 gallon pail of them in about 15 minutes, we do this every year and i have yet to see anyone be even a little ill from them,


    all books and websites i've read about them stated the same thing

  6. i think it`s gonna be a tough playoff all around, no sweeps,



    First round


    Bos over MTL in 6

    Wsh over NYR in 6

    NJ over CAR in 7

    PIT over PHI in 5


    SJ over ANA in 5

    DET over CBJ in 6

    VAN over St.L in 7

    CHI over CGY in 5



    Second Round


    BOS over PIT in 7

    NJ over WSH in 6


    SJ over CHI in 5

    DET over VAN in 6



    Third Round


    NJ over BOS in 7

    SJ over DET in 5



    Cup Final


    NJ over SJ in 7

  7. I remember last year we had a pool for kicks. Cant remember where or who set it up. Wondering if anyone is interested this year. I could start one if the interest is there. I dont know where online to do so other than yahoo but i don't see anything listed for the playoffs. I can set one up at "onlinepools" but those interested would have to send me their picks by email or PM. It does not let individual picks. Unless someone else knows of a place and willing to set it up.


    If I set it up at onlinepools i'd need to know by tomorrow afternoon, so I can set the perameters, this particular pool has to enter all the selections for each team by one moderator i believe. I have to head to TO sunday and back late monday night. So that would leave me tuesday night to enter the teams.


    Put ur name here, if there's 10 participants by this time tomorrow i'lll set it up.


    Happy Easter

  8. stick with the big boys i say, especially yammy LOL


    i have an 05' kodiak 450, love it, i beat the crap out of it, has hauled 4 bears, a dozen or so deer, 2 mooose, boats, trailer loads of gravel and firewood, and plowed my driveway since i had it, without a single issue, (other than self inflicted) cracked a floor board hauling a deer out of a swamp last fall on an underwater stump, put a little piece of angle and a couple bolts and is good to go


    i got a buddy here in sudbury with a '84 moto 4, 2 wheel drive and has plowed his driveway every year and hauled all his fire wood every year and it sitll runs like new,


    if you can afford new i would go new, they dont depreciate very fast, if not, a used quad i really like (if you're lookin for power, a real work machine, is a mid-90's suzuki king quad) true beast,


    sorry i know nothing of the TRB company

  9. i've had a 10' princecraft jon boat for about 8-9 years, AWESOME, great investment, use it for tough to get to lakes and for hauling with the quad, i paid $700 used, 2years old but looked spankin, i've seen them sold here the past few years brand new for around $600, i think it was on sale though, not sure


    floats in very little water even when well loaded, (onle a few inches) great for jumping beaver dams, 98lbs, handles on back and one in front, i've went from a trolling motor/paddle to a 2hp to an 8 hp and am now using a 15hp, definately not rated for that but it handles it like a champ, not the most comfortable thing, (low seats) but handles a good load, have put 2 guys, 15hp motor, full gas tank, battery, tackle, and cooler without worries,


    have paddled a 800lbs bull moose across a lake in it, sitting on the moose because it took up the whole boat,


    you wont regret it, wish i had bought one earlier,


    PS if u put a big motor on it slack off on corners (tight rivers) the boat does not lean, it turns

  10. for this habs fan i was at work thinkin they have an easy win on the way to the playoffs, likely finish in 8th and would take the bruins to the 6th game and losing in a proud manner for this fan,


    instead got home to watch sportscenter with a 3-2 loss to the sens and finding out 2 top d-men were out for the remainder of the season (one of which is the top point getter on the team) hopes dashed...............


    maybe just maybe by some luck they'll still make it to the post season and score at least a few goals against the bruins in a quick ending series, cant wait!!!!!




    i dont think anybody with the money to by such a hockey team would have to worry, they'd be laughin to the bank all the way, i'll believ gillette intends to sell when he says so, "seeking financial advice" is only common sense to a money man like George Gillett and is probably done every year by all these money men, the media needs stories and turns into a possible sale,



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