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Everything posted by ryan

  1. Real estate is currently crashing hard in all of Ontario. Its only a matter of time before it hits cottage country hard as well. Both in capital cost and customer base. Also banks are tightening the free flow of money so expect way more cuts in pricing. Cottage country pricing is WAY too high right now. I would wait until the pullback gathers steam before even thinking of getting into that business. Buy now and the above statement "The best way to make a small fortune out of the lodge business is to start with a large fortune." will be so true.Go to http://www.greaterfool.ca/and read all the current posts to know what is going on. Hope this helps
  2. Discontinued only for the US market because they are buying more of the Highlanders
  3. Toyota Venza off lease. Best car I ever owned. Lots of power on a V6. Something like 268 HP. Choose AWD
  4. As an hvac contractor I have to agree with some of the carrier furnaces being crap. They had a batch that were plagued with bad heat exchangers and many current ones with pressure switch/condensate drainage issues. Replacement parts are ridiculously expensive on some as well. Sometimes its not even worth taking on the job of repairing them because of high part price.
  5. Some nice hogs there.There is something on the belly of the fish on the right side.
  6. Fish4me, thanks for the post. The quickboats looks pretty cool as well. However they are pricey as well as relatively new in the market and have no history. A few people here in this forum have used the portabote and are giving honest opinions about them. That is why I posted here. The brochures and sales spiel are always very impressive but the true review will be from the end users. Also there are more affordable used porta botes out there, especially in the US.
  7. I am thinking of buying a 12' Porta Bote for fishing in the smaller lakes. They offer some distinct advantages that really appeal to me; light weight, strong, easy storage and transportation. Of course one of the obvious disadvantage is the assemply and disassembly of the boat. i was wondering if anyone here have some experience with these boats and can possibly offer some advise. i am looking at a used one maybe from the US as well as a small outboard. This site offers some insight into the porta bote. Nice comments here so far especially from previous users. In addition to the stability, its supposed to be stronger thatn comparable aluminum boats in terms of handling waves and "hitting" rocks etc Someone asked for pricing. I found these prices online from a dealer in Saskatoon. I would look at buying in the US. Too expensive here 14' Porta-Bote Price $3,700 (CAD) 12' Porta-Bote Price $2,950 (CAD) 10' Porta-Bote Price $2,850 (CAD) US Pricing here Thanks
  8. $1650 plus tax for a Keeprite or Goodman 2 ton installed. What is the house size, age and window condition? http://www.thermalcomfortheat.com/specials--promotions.html
  9. Does anyone know of a reasonable priced boat launch and park for Upper Buckhorn not too far from Scotsman's Point? Thanks
  10. Rich I have an ownership for my 14 footer tinny and I carry it in the safety kit so it stays protected and present with me. I believe that it is required especially with a 15 hp motor
  11. You are right WR I managed to get cottage and the price is pretty affordable as well (Great Escapes Cabins). Now I just hope the fishing is good. Thanks again guys. Who said it cannot be done? lol One thing I know, can always get help here. RR
  12. Any recommendations for a reasonably priced cottage rental for next week 3 days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and about 2-3 hours from Toronto for family of four? I know I am asking for a lot since everyone wants to rent for a week. To make it even more challenging, must have good fishing of bass, pickerel and panfish. Thanks for any input
  13. Thanks guys I will try it out tomorrow.
  14. Anyone knows of a good boat launch at Little Lake. Never went there before. Planning to take a fishing trip on Sunday. Thanks
  15. Thanks guys I will visit CTC tomorrow
  16. My gas tank developed a pinhole. I understand it needs to be replaced. I am in Etobicoke, Toronto. Any suggestions where I can pick one up and roughly how much they cost. The hose is fine. Thank you for any suggestions.
  17. Just wondering if now is a good time to go after catfish or it is better to wait for warmer weather a bit later in the season. A buddy knows of a spot on the Trent river. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks
  18. Would be great to have charts for Upper and Lower Buckhorn. Thanks for the help
  19. I am planning to buy a pair of these. Supposed to be good http://www.riggingshoppe.com/browse.cfm/4,18645.htm
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