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Everything posted by marth11

  1. welcome aboard wouldnt mind a pike that big........ but carp are better
  2. ill come i need a ride from st.catharines ill pitch on gas for both rides and boat
  3. i can go if some one picks me up ill spilt gas
  4. one problem is i dont have a car and i cant get to simcoe
  5. im in 100% lets make a site thing to cause lots o us prob cant make it if its somewhere far away like me i bike everywere
  6. well yesterday i had a strange idea to bike around niagara region well i discovered a new spot which is fun to use and found i hate my bike and escarpment....., well here is my route my guess is i covered between 30-35km on my bike i started at my house which is off bunting road between linwell and scott, went up bunting and continued until it turned onto hartzel, did hartzel till, it turned until merit, then went on to glendale, pass the pen, pass glenridge and stoped off at a bridge going over the 12 fished there and then did the trail, wiped out broke my screen on my camera, went from the trail unto pelham, followed pelham unto shorthills, did shorthills, went back onto pelham went to effingham up to escaparment, took effiingham unto sawmill, did half of sawmill, went back unto effingham, go on to 5th street louth, followed that until st. paul st W, was going on to ontario st, but that was under construction, so i went on to william, then onto king and back onto ontario, fishing behind the mcdonalds, went down ontario again until i hit linwell went down linwell until i hit lake, followed lake up to secord and got picked up there. well thats all of the biking i did and all for 2 gobies just though it would be fun to share also saw some deer. can you guess were i was fishing....... fishing spot fishing spot also saw a dead brookie and bow fingerling at shorhills, my guess is the low muddy water
  7. if i knew were it was caught it could be easier to tell but my guess is either a kokanee or maybe grilse
  8. nice bucket there im wondering to how heavy was it looks like it was over 5lbs maybe more maybe less
  9. well i while back i left my camera a timmies called up they said they had it, went there they ended giving it to a guy in toronto, well a couple days later they call me up and say they got my camera back and i got both the camera, case and rechargable batteries back
  10. prob im all over the place
  11. Hey the names Joey from niagara and yeah i fish for carp, perch and smallmouth most if not the entire year excluding smallies just the summer for them i also fly fish for carp, bluegills and bass.... well here are some pics of me
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