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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. My brother just got a full time job with the MNR, and boy was he lucky. He has a 4 year degree from Brock University for Environmental Science and then had to take a post-grad course at Niagara College specializing in GIS. This is the ONLY reason he got the job... So get to school and get applying, and as everyone said good luck becoming a CO.

  2. Hahaha, that's great Roy.


    Here's another translation funny: My son is a manager at a Metro (Dominion A & P) and him and his co-workers found a minute noodle package that says "Add Prenty of Water." PRENTY, Hahahaha, I love it.




    Whats wrong with that Engrish? lol

  3. As you all know, it's April Fool's Day today. J wondered when her next doc appointment was and so I checked the calendar. As I glanced at today's date I busted a gut laughing. This is a French calendar obviously translated by someone in the Philippines or somewhere cause where it should say Poisson d'Avril it says Fête des Imbéciles!!! :clapping:


    Fools of Holiday! YAY!

  4. OH! OFC Mobile..as in Mobile Phone.....

    I thought the Quesnels had gotten the CRV painted thus the "OFC MOBILE",

    that would be pretty cool.





    At least I wasn't the only person clicking this thread thinking just that... hahaha!


    My cellphone is for if the car breaks down, the internet is expensive enough at home lol!

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