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stuck on shore

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About stuck on shore

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  1. Done, thanks for letting us know she needed help.
  2. Thank you for sharing your day out and the pictures, I have never seen fish fighting fish before. Great shots
  3. I would support an additional $40.00 charge to add salmon tags to my license if it would increase the number conservation officers in these areas. I would rather find a dead salmon in a stream as a result of spawning then finding a dead one cut open and cleaned out on a river bank. This way I know that when spring comes and the ice melts there is a chance I may see the results of their last struggles in life returning to the lakes. It sure gives a new meaning to "dying to reproduce"
  4. Just glad that you are safe. Sorry about your weekend!
  5. Thankyou for sharing the photos and story. I know that there are many of us out there who would love to have one more time on the water with those we love!
  6. Thankyou for sharing the photos and story. I know that there are many of us out there who would love to have one more time on the water with those we love!
  7. Great pictures, got to love the pike after the free meal deal.
  8. Thanks for sharing the amazing pictures
  9. I had the opportunity to fish with Al in June 09, I had always dreamed about catching a Salmon. We landed 5 for 5 the largest was 22 lbs. It was an amazing experience. Anyone having trouble with the link try www.alsadventures.ca.He has added a web blog to the site to follow the reports. I can not wait to go back out and fish with Al again in a few weeks, this time I at least have an idea of what it is like to land an amazing fish. Stuck on Shore (No Longer)
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