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Posts posted by dustink

  1. Sounds like you're doing everything right. Now that you can fish there, I'd take some to him sometime, and then ask if he's changed his mind about hunting there. Again, it's his property, so "no" is "no", and he really doesn't need to give a reason. I would just ask every so often (no more than twice per year).


    Also, not sure if Ontario has anything like this, but in our Hunting Regs, there is a form for people to use who have permission. Here is the link:




    Look at page 11 of the guide. May be worth doing if for no other reason then to let the landowner know you appreciate and respect his willingness to let you be on his land. Oh, and I wouldn't take anyone there (unless imediate family) unless that was part of the deal.


    Best of Luck!


  2. The one on the BBQ with bacon is great, tried it last year for the first time. I just can't remember now how exactly to do it but some one here will be able to tell you.


    First thing that came to my mind too, taper. I got hungry just thinking about it. I'm going to write it down if someone posts it again!



  3. Fished Five Mile Lake a couple of times - about 25 miles south of Chapleau (www.fivemilelake.com).


    Had pretty good success with 'eyes and some Smallmouth. Lots of Pike, but no real size.


    As for bears....I can't find the picture, but we had one wonder into camp as were setting up, and I've got a picture of one smelling my tent before it was set up. That was the only time we saw one all week, but they are around!


    Good luck!



  4. Writing a great story is a gift. I don't have it, but wish I did. You MB, have it. Another great read....and that last line (...and the fecal matter nearing the point of no return was safely retracted back to a warm and cozy place.) is classic.


    Thanks for making my afternoon better!



  5. When we're on our annual trip up that way, we usually will keep enough each day for supper. That's usually not quite our limit...but could be close. But, we do not bring a limit home with us, as we just like to keep them as fresh as possible. We found if we brought a limit home, we wouldn't eat it right away, and when we pulled them out of the air tight seal, they are still good, just not as good....so we quit bringing fish home.


    Now, panfish....well that's a another story.....



  6. Wayne....those first few shots look like Lillypad Bay, no?




    My wife hasn't wanted to fish a lot but recently has expressed more of an interest in spending the day on the water. I'm looking forward to getting out with her more.


    Our trip to Turtle Lake in NW Ontario last year really changed her mind, and that's when she started to get into it more.


    Also having two sons (3yr. & 18 mo), and a 3rd son coming in June...she knows if she ever wants to spend time with the boys, she'll have to want to fish, hike, and camp more!


    Her first pike:






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