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About basserone

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  1. I just read an article about that is week and it is not true. The U.S. fish and wildlife confirmed that there has been no evidence that the Asian carp has breached the beerier, http://www.freep.com/article/20110719/NEWS05/107190387/Asian-carp-Battle-lines-drawn-Chicago-ship-canal. Now although the article states that it is not fool proof, and the carp could get past the beerier with the aid of humans. I did however find this article on the human error factor http://www.arenacindependent.com/detail/94207.html. Last week in Windsor a fish farm in the U.S. was caught transporting frozen Asian Carp to a restaurant in Toronto, not against the law apparently, however when the custom authorities put them in water they came to life. This could have been a bad situation. Interesting I just tried to access the article from the CTV website and it is no longer available, hummmm? Just a closing thought why, if the problem is that serious and has raised such a concern, is the U.S. government allowing these fish farms in the first place, shut them down and fine them huge dollars.
  2. My apologies, I did not see where it stated zone 15, like you said, must have been a previously deleted post. Still a nice fish.
  3. This is old, was posted about a month ago, and created quite a stir, to the point that the post was removed. Let's not start something here again that is old news, you can't educate stupidity.
  4. I can see that I have obviously hit a nerve with my opinion concerning the Mercer show. First, let me start by saying that I was simply responding to an original post by Patrick Scott who was bashing Cronzie’s show, Also, I might add that the root admin, posted his comment “Personally, Im a bit tired of the fishing show / cronzie bashing”, oh and that topic is now locked, interesting??? I was simply giving my opinion about Mercer’s fishing show and some of the flaws that I see, it was not intended to create such a stir. From the 3 plus pages of responses Basserone is famous now and it only took 48 hours. lol Second, I would like to bring your attention to the rules of this board, see below. It is obvious from the number of responses that it is ok to bash people who are not a sponsor of this board, but when you inflict some sense of reality on one of your own then it becomes a different concern. The Rules 2.Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL! P.S. For those concerned of my whereabouts, yes I have been fishing and it has been great, 25 casts 15 fish, multi freshwater species. Here is my tip of the day for those concerned of my whereabouts. The #5 daredevil in Basserone Black is out producing the Mercer Magic 15 – 0. Good luck fishing and keep a tight line what whatever lure you are using. The now famous Basserone
  5. Like it has been mentioned before, it is not only Cronzie all the fishing shows are the same, indorsing their sponsors and provide little to no information to the viewing angler. I watched Mercer the other day on the Score, I had a hard time actually watching him, but he was bragging about the Mercer Magic crank bait. I do not have time for people who make a living from misinforming anglers into buying their products that might, and I mean might, have worked on that given day. The technology thay have today can allow them to chop, cut and edit the filming and the viewer has know way of knowing. Mercer might have caught one fish all day for all we know. I was a tournament angler for many years and saw a well know angler, using Diawa equipment on the water, but was indorsing Shimano rods and reels while on stage. What a joke, whatever happened to the In-fisherman, even at the end that became very commercialised, but at least they talked fish scense, without stating that you required a specific rod or reel to catch fish. The other day I watched a little girl fishing from a dock using a stick, string, and hook with a piece of red wool on the hook and she was catching panfish one after another. No special equipment there. If you must watch these shows, watch them for entertainment only and beleive half of what you see, and half of what they say. This is big business, these guys are not professional anglers, they are salespeople making a living off each and everone who supports them.
  6. Hey new to the board, but could not resist. It is Wilson from Home Improvements. lol
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