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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Roy I find the colours I choose when fishing Lake Erie are great as an attractant. I try to match them to the colours of the worm harnesses and baits I'm using and having success with. If colour ever becomes a worry you can actually get dipseys and jet divers in clear. Also the water colours can make the choice with the bright flashy colours in the stained waters helping to draw them in and more neutral colours in clear waters.


    I'm sure Fishmaster will see this and offer some great info as he truly is a master with this method of fishing on the Great Lakes. He taught me everything I needed to know in one visit to his shop a few years back.

  2. Lew I'm running either powerpro or wire braid on all mine. I perfer the no stretch for better hooksets with the dipseys. It seems to work a bit better when running the longer lengths. As for poundage of the line its just personal perference, i'm using minimum 30 as the dipsey do have a fair amount of pull to them.

  3. The info here pretty much covers it. Most departments in the future are going to be asking for the preservice fire course offered by one of the colleges in Ontario as prerequisite to getting hired. It would give you a basic task level knowledge of the job before getting on. As for other courses you should getting and keep up to date cpr, first aid and if you can get your DZ licence. Anything above and beyond that is a bonus, like volunteering and work in the community. Also keep yourself in shape as the fitness testing has mostly been moved to Brock University and they are using the BMI(Body Mass Index) as part of the test and failing alot of people on being a bit over.


    Never get discouraged I know guys that have applied over ten years before getting hired. Each time you write the hiring tests make notes and use them before next test as they often use the same tests over and over again and soon you'll have it all figured out. Get used to talking and being interviewed by groups as all interviews are done by panels and your in the spotlight. Most questions are behavioural questions and not work related as that should be covered in your resume.


    I noticed you mentioned SSF course they have one of the best as they have a training centre and fire ground to use each day. So your getting more time there and doing more practical then the colleges that have to rent grounds when they can get them. If you do get to SSF and your located in right part of town you can probably get you into a volunteer system as Junior FF to log calls and time to complete your training and gain experience. This stuff looks great on the resume and if you do well it will also get you a good letter from the chief for reference.


    Hope this helps and Good Luck with it. You can PM me if you have any other questions.



  4. I got to visit Vimy Ridge back in 1985. Seems such a long time ago now but it was something to see. There was not a bit of flat land there at all from all the bombs and trenches in the area. So much history in one spot, I got to tour alot of France and see alot of the war fields and shores. It was well worth the time if your into any war history at all. I'll see if I can scan a few pics from the trip and post them later.

  5. There should be a seal on there that can be tapped out along with the bearing from the front end....carefully. I would suggest replacing them as you go as once they are removed they could be bent and damaged. I have done it myself and reused them but if you not sure what your doing it might be tricky to get it out undamaged.


    If your going to do the job I would replace both bearings and seal for the money and peace of mind you'll get from knowing you have new ones there when on the road, but if you do just want the seals they can be bought. Just do a good inspection of the bearings for pitting and corrosion before you repack them.


    Good Luck

  6. Nice work Greg. I always said the best time for catching fish was first ice and then again in the spring when the water was running down into the holes as it was melting. I remember planking the shores to get out to ice for fishing, back when I was younger and alot more energitic. I all ready put the gear away last week and just waiting for open water now.


    Thanks for the pics and report.



  7. I'm running a Garmin 60csx and love the unit. I have the Canadian Topo along with it and it sure is nice having colour along with the mapping.


    Good Luck with you choice and I hope you have a great summer up there. Its a place on my list of to visit someday.



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