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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Both are nice boats. All things being equal, I'd opt for the Princecraft.


    The Legend is going to come in a few thousand$$$$ more, because of the upgrade you will need for the power.




    My thoughts exactly.


    I've fished in both boats and both are great machines, but like everyone said you have to boost up the legends right from there basic package to get a great boat. I figure with any boat as long as you take care of it and treat it right it will last.


    My choice of the two would probably lean towards the Princecraft.


    Good Luck



  2. I've been doing an annual fly-in trip since 1987 and have had almost all of them excellent but have had a few rough ones along the way. The best advice is to do your research and get references before you book the trip. There are many sites on the net you can get opinions from and this is one of them. I've been with many different outfitters and will offer opinions if asked.


    Try not to base your decision on how many fish people caught while on a trip cause as with any part of the country fishing can shut down at any given time. I've been on trips and in the middle of the week and front would move in and it was tough fishing where before that it was non stop action. So get a few references on your choices and talk to them. I good outfitter will have a list of references for you.


    So the best suggestion is to ask for opinions on the many boards and use it to make the best choice. Get to the shows and talk to the outfitters, look at there pics of the camps and equipment.

  3. It is an addictive sport for sure. I can't imagine life without fishing, drive my wife nuts as its all I talk about and surf on the web for. OFC has definitly been a big find for me as I have met many great poeple full of great info to help me learn more as I go. Your lucky you both share the addiction and I'm sure the kids will have it now as well.

  4. Thanks everyone. It wasn't completly fishless Dan I should have mentioned one big out of season largemouth attacking my spinnerbait but it was muskieless day.


    As for Lew I'm hoping he'll have a report tomorrow when he returns. He has been busy with family things lately but I figured he'll hit the water today and make another serious attept to get slimed before returning to the big city.

  5. Thanks I hadn't even noticed. It's been a long time in the making. I was chatting with Lew yesterday while fishing and I think we figured I've been around here for almost 5 years now. I think with open water into full swing I'm going to have to turn the post time into more fishing time.


    Thanks again Bly

  6. With a few days off this week I managed to meet up with Lew for a day of fishing. We knew it was going to be wet going into the day, but decided to make the best of it. We toughed it out thru the rains this morn but then the lightning and thunder moved in and decided to head for shore and wait it out. Within a a short while of fishing after the storm moved thru Lew had a solid hit but didn't manage to get the hookset, we both got a quick flash of the fish as it hit the lure. We hung in there for about another hour till the temperature drop and the cold north winds had told us it was time to go.


    All in All a good day on the water but hopefully next I'll have some fish and pics for the report.

  7. Dr. Phil gave you two good suggestions for both muskies and pike same two as I would have suggested. Also the York river can produce some great pike as well. Almost all of the lakes have a good bass population in that area.

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