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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Someone else brought up a survey with our fishing license. This could also be a great tool for getting MNR/anglers informed feedback. With each license application, there could be a small report on the status of our fisheries (or a particular fishery) along with a questionare to be filled out by the angler. This would be very helpful in determining how many anglers are actually pounding the water every year.....and for what species, etc. The possibilities are endless.


    I like that idea as well. We all ready have this program in place for big game hunting, why not extend it over the the fisheries. People that fail to file reports at seasons end in hunting are limited the following year with there opportunities to apply for certain tags for hunts. It's great way for the MNR to gather info without having to be in the field all the time and maybe they could use there free time to get out and do a bit more enforcement.


    It's always been tough for the MNR to gain extra money in the budgets when the biggest concern with the majority of taxpayers in the Province is the state of our health care system. As usual the biggest lobby groups have the most pull with the government so they often win. So as OFNer's maybe some of the membership could take a few minutes to write a letter highlighting there concerns and send it off to our new Minister and Dalton. Let them know we are watching them and how concerned you are about the current state of of fisheries and who knows maybe some of it will get thru to them.


    I know for a fact that many ideas raised on this board do make it thru to MNR staff. I know of at least one ofner's that was on a board to help with the fishing reg changes in the Kawartha's. So keep the positive ideas coming cause you never know who's reading them.



  2. ChrisS, you have done nothing to add to this thread. You have managed in every one of your posts to attack Muskies Canada though or Matt's group as you call it. Marc posted a great question, why not leave your personal thoughts about one organization out of it and try adding something positive to the thread.


    Matt, I don't understand, on one hand you agree that our fisheries are stable and sustainable....and yet you are also claiming that the "resource is in need of as much help as possible."


    I think what is being said here is that if we don't stop our bad habits now as human beings and our affects on the environment, it will go too far and we will lose in the end.


    This whole issue is about protecting and trying to improve on what we have here in Ontario and making it work to protect our future.



  3. I might be one of the few that's happy with the new regs and the changes in my area and overall. I find them alot easier to read and understand and they addressed some major issues to help out with the falling population of fish in the area.


    The biggest issue I see is we need more work to be done in Public Education to promote catch and release. Living close to Toronto and the huge populations the lakes in my area are under heavy fishing pressure all season long. I have seen some improvements in the attitude of fisher people in the area in the last few years and in turn have seen populations of fish improving a bit.

  4. Great re-cap of the season Lew. Too bad no fish on the the Niagara but some day that one you hit will be a monster and make it all worth the past few years effort. Hopefully next year we'll hit the water again and see what kind of weather we can dig up for the trip as we seemed to have hit it all on the last few trips. One of these times where going to hit it just right.


    Enjoy the off season



  5. Hey Terry I have the same unit and could figure out a way to do it yet. The only way I found was to open my software from the garmin and write down the figures and them manually transfer them to the lcx-25. Now I don't have a SD reader writer yet and mavbe that might be the way to go for moving info. I'm going to have to break down someday and buy one to get the latest update to my lowrance.

  6. I'm assuming your talking about the outfitter in Nakina. I haven't fished with them but have been with another up there for the last 7 years. So I can't offer any info on them but the lakes in the area all hold great numbers of fish. We have never had a bad trip up there yet.


    Feel free to PM me if you want any other info on the area or any other questions.



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