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Everything posted by castgame

  1. huh! well now i know. guess there's no need to get the fly rod out now. unless the smallies are hitting on the surface...
  2. if those were shiners surfacing, they were big shiners
  3. i might be there tomorrow evening, probably til sundown...
  4. let me know when you're going--we'll have an ultralight night!
  5. anybody ever tried/had any luck here? i've heard of pike in the spring and large smallies this time of year, plus big rock bass and bluegills. i was there tonight just taking a look, and there was a lot of action on the surface--little guys coming right out of the water, the way browns sometimes do...
  6. 1 fenwick hmx ultralight i fish everything with it: steelhead, brookies, salmon, pike, bass. life is better with 6lb test!
  7. thanks guys! i was looking at glen haffey--it's got rainbows, eh? good to know. do you know if they're fed or not? i really dislike the taste of pellet-fed fish. much prefer them to be taking insects and minnows and the like. thanks for the heads up about tottenham too. sounds like it's worth a look! anybody know anything about the ken whillans resource management area out orangeville-way? sounds like it might have a little less pressure and a little better fishing...
  8. what are your favourite CAs around the city? we tried terra cotta last night and saw some decent largemouth in wolf lake (more like a weed-choked pond!), but couldn't get into any of the trout that are supposed to be in muskrat pond. there are a ton of conservation areas... some have to have excellent fishing...
  9. i go to the pop r a lot... produces so frequently
  10. not a lot of fising from shore in the sound this time of year i don't think, but there are a number of small creeks nearby with browns and rainbows. the upper sydenham can be good this time of year, but i'm unsure of the details. you should check in at watson's tackle--they'll know better than i! good luck!
  11. hey all, new to this community, but not to fishing... i've been living in toronto the last few years going to university, and just dying to get out on the lake downrigging for those salmon and 'bows. if anybody's looking for an extra hand in their boat this season, or is just willing to take me out for fun or for barter, please let me know! i've just got to troll a spoon behind a ball this summer thanks guys
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