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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. i quit smoking almost 4 years ago. It isnt easy but truely there is no better feeling then finely being smoke free. To control the cravings you have to keep yourself busy. After the first few weeks the cravings only last a couple minutes so it gets easier. I havent had a craving in 3 years now.


    Good luck and you can do it!!!!!!!!!



  2. a few years back a 120 pound rotty was taken by coyates in milton, they got into a 6ft fenced in area, where there is a will there is a way. Remember there isnt usally just one.


    Male dogs are easier prey for them, they will actually send a female in heat to attract the male dog away form his surroundings and then ambush them.


    It is rare but yes you shoudl be aware of the threat.



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