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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. wow man that is really somthing to be proud of!!!! good health will keep you not only happier but keep you alive a few extra years longer to be on the water!


    As for the smokes, i quit 3 1/2 years ago, cold turkey. after 9 months i the cravings went away. now i never crave the cancer sticks! Feel great too!


    Congrats again man that is quite the accomplishment!!!



  2. Just for the total sports fans, today was a day that will go down as one of the greatest sport days in the history of sport. 2 athlets Micheal Phelps and Usain Bolt completely dominated. Phelps won an incredible 8 gold medals in the pool. Bolt dominated on the track with a record run of 9.69 in the 100 m race. The scary thing is he had a bad start and let up the last 15 m and it still wasn't even close.


    to put it in perspective in fishing realated terms. Phelps 8 golds is like catching 8 58inch muskies in an 8 day period. Bolts run would be like winning a 5 fish bass tourny by 15 pounds against the best bass fishermen in the world.


    It is just unreal to think about what these 2 men have done in there sports this weekend!



  3. this smallie was from last month out of the south bay.




    As for pike, they are all over the lake but the bigger ones should be in deeper water if you want the best shot at them. Im not sure fish bay has water deeper then 10 feet?


    I would venture out out of the south bay if i was really looking for big pike and musky. Smallies are all over the lake and last i heard (last week) fishing was a bit tougher but still very decent for smallies!



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