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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. Stayed at a cottage resort there during the deer hunt. Crappies walleye and pike.

    We were in the top bay to the left.


    Very nice photo Wayne.

    Never knew t was that big of a lake.


    The front edge of that pic is ahmic harbour i believe. if you follow the lake on the right it connects to beaver and crawford lakes. if you keep going to where the end of the pic where it looks like a river that is actually a channel into another basin of ahmic. then it vers to the left to the mag river into town where it connects into cecebe. you can boat from ahmic harbour to burks falls if you wanted to. there is thousands of areas to fish on that waterway. I love ahmic lake but to really master it you would need a good full summer to figure out fish patterns consistantly



  2. I've never fished it Tiz... but maybe someone can point to a spot for you on this that I took a couple years back..




    I remember from a few years back you sent me this pic irishfield. I used it as my screensaver until my son was born.



  3. i fish ahmic a few times a year, its a beautiful body of water. Its tough fishing sometimes thoguh in the summer. There is rainbow smelt in the lake so you have to fish deep to get walleye in the summer.


    The first thing i would do is go to magnetawan bait and tackle and get your bait, ask for some tips while you are paying for them and im sure they will point you in the right direction. failing that find the rainbow smelt and you will find the walleye. In the summer since smelt are light sensitive they are deep, im not sure if that changes because of the ice or not.


    Hope you do well on ahmic and look forward to the report!



  4. 1.5 liter bottle of water while on the lake coors light back home.


    doesnt the slogan go water on water beer on the pier???? although i must admit the odd time i get into a boat with a head and drinking is legal it sure is nice to be out there with a few cold ones.


    Can you imagine this thread 30 years ago???? lol

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