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About luv2drift

  • Birthday 03/29/1975

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  1. pick them withing 3 inches of the ground and cook well. best in a pan cooked with a couple of pieces of bacon on the side with trout.
  2. Does anyone know if the black flies are out yet in Algonquin?
  3. they are everywhere find shade, damp beds by creeks and rivers.
  4. Just a reminder and FYI...the fiddleheads are up.
  5. someone here mentioned we need a travel bann.................... EXACTLY....but that should mean no travell of anybody in or out of Mexico! They didn't even do that for SARS. If we had of stopped flights inbound from China it would of drastically dropped the sars cases but this great county doesn't want to offend anyone........I was a paramedic in Toronto during the SARS out break and was quarantined twice for 10 days each... Would you go to someone's house where there was a mumps outbreak?...NO! Would they come over to your house with mumps?....NO! GET some nuts Canada and tell the W.H.O to grow some too!!!!
  6. If this fee really burns people......................It is common knowledge that the innisfil by-law officer gets a portion of the tickets he writes!!!!!what the heck is that????? My point whether or not people agree with these strange cash grab fees such as Essa or Innisfil...........................DO you really want to have to pay lots of cash in ten years to fish at four or five places? Some smart guy out there needs to come up with a solution???? anybody got any ideas?
  7. Thanks for the information guys!!
  8. oh I am a local! It is a totaly cash grab! Locals litter! and Innsifil employees many employees who clean the area frequently. The garbage debate is bull crap! It's not even an issue. Its wrong people litter but there is already staff on the pay roll who have the whole place cleaned up before noon on the first warm day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. WEll....WEll....Well......I hate to say I told you so but.....I posted a topic about the essa fishing permit a long while back and mentioned Innisfil doing this. Half the people on here thought I was out to lunch with essa charging a fee and now innisfil is going to do it. 2020 should cost the average person fishing a pretty penny!
  10. Just wondering if anyone has every built there own dory or drift boat? or any other form of wooden boat?
  11. You might as well just put the GPS coordinates on the post so everyone can go out there and limit out???????
  12. Love 2 fish simcoe....i think is the best he moves his huts around and stays ontop of the perch. If you want whities and lakers dont use a hut. You have to move.
  13. just fyi The ice formed quit strange this year on cooks and the thickness varies everywhere from how the winds blew the ice in and on piled up. I drilled a hole three days ago that was 4 inches....... Use at own risk.
  14. fish crisp...beer batter
  15. Good for the americans for locking up their crooks. In Canada he would of got time served and free pizza in the clink for a total time of two weeks!
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