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Posts posted by douG

  1. Attagrl, Nauti. Very nice phrasing, and pitch appreciation. Good Job.


    I sing a little differently, with 2 1/2 octaves of bel canto projection, but I feel the warmth that you were projecting there.


    Doing a wedding mass in 3 weeks, me, I love singing behind a huge pipe organ. That is the shiznit, fer sure. The ladies with the blue rinse will be weeping if I do my job right.


    Backing up the Barenaked Ladies at Roy Thomson Hall with the TSO was a highlight for me. Singing rocks. Keep doing what you know, gf.

  2. That would be 'reservoir'. Welcome to pikeman 34 and a half. Good luck with your info request.


    As a rule, we like to get to know someone before we share our experiences and hot spots. Would you be any different?


    'Hey Bro', do any of these babes like to go out?'

  3. I bailed from work around 2:30, and told my staff to hit the road. I had no difficulties, as most were driving smart with vehicles well spaced. The 403 eastbound was moving at 40 - 50 km/Hr, but there were no issues, safe and sound at home in about 45 minutes, only double regular travel time.


    Now the kinders are safe at home as well, pollo pizzaiole in the oven, wood fireplace is lit, all is well with this winter world.

  4. Miss Universe? You mean the former wife of Marc Anthony who is now married to Jennifer Lopez?


    If you like that type, I guess...


    Paddler, I bow.


    I've had relationships with a lot of verrry impressive women too, but only one of them ever noticed.

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