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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. Nice setup Tom but the handle's on the wrong side of the reel. You might want to bring it back to them to have them rectify the problem.



    Yeah, it was a bit of a learning curve today with that, but I was getting better at it, until the blunder at the end of the day. I will stick with it though, my bud has reeled left handed all his life with spinning reels and out salmon trolling levelwinds also, but he got used to it.

  2. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="
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    Thanks Henry, I did see that video yesterday, but it didn't work for me(yet). Didn't use the setup until the afternoon. Forecast was for winds 5kmh from the north in the morning, SW kmh is the aft. It was blowing 15 kmh out of the west all day, and sometimes up to 20 kmh. So, I used my spinning rod until the early afternoon. Then we went back down lake and found a more sheltered area. Time to try it. Had my bud set it up, and first cast, slight overrun. No biggie though. He reminded me to start with a sideways cast with an upturn at the end. That did it, it sailed out a nice long distance and I stopped the spool just before it hit the water.

    Timing is everything with this type of fishing. I did have a few backlashes, which I got out in 2 or so minutes. But the last one did it in for my new combo. We came across a nice boulder reef. My bud was backing us away from it, and I saw a nice deep area beyond it within my casting distance.

    Hit the release, loaded up, then thrust forward to release the spool just as I heard my bud say "WOAH!!!!!!"

    Snagged his line, thought I had room, and released the spool. Lure went all of 10 ft., and I probably now have 30 ft. or more all tangled up, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Spent about 10 or so mintues before giving up, and will untangle it tomorrow. We were ending our day anyway at this spot.


    Did manage to catch 2 smallmouth on it though, nothing big, but did get a nice one on a Chug Bug off of a big boulder. The bite was tough today, we hit spots my bud did with another bud last weekend, and only a couple of fish from these places compared to last weekend when they probably caught 30 or more, but it was a lot calmer last weekend and they could hit more specific spots on all the reefs.


    Glen, the Clarus is still working great though, even with my cheapo 45 buck spinning reel on it. It is a tapered reel though.

  3. Forget the Spooks if you spooled with flouro Tom, topwater is the only application where fluro shouldn't be used... it will inhibit the action... I'm serious.


    I use the arbor knot on all my reels... spinning, baitcasting, deep sea.


    I am totally new to this game Glen, the flouro is gonna have to suffice for now, topwater , or otherwater, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. Yeah Roy, but, since its going to be used tomorrow, and there were no left hand retrieve reels in stock, just gonna have to go with the flow. If its a serious issue with me, I will change it up. I AM a left hand retrieve reeler with my spinning reels and downrigger reels, and every other reel I own. This baitcasting stuff is new to me, will see how it goes.

  5. my first car was an 81 vw rabbit GTI....man... if i told the some of the stories that involved that car, i'd get arrested


    76 Honda Civic hatchback for me, same sentiment as in the above quote, but that little car sure got us into a lot of fishing spots.

  6. ya definitely a good idea bringing a spinning rod as back up when that extremely nice setup goes flying into the lake hahaha! just keep trying it, i've been using mine off and one this season and i finally got a good feel for it and starting to feel confident with it.


    Ain't now way, NO WAY, this is gonna end up in the lake, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    And Glen, thanks for the knot response, have heard of the Arbor knot, just never needed to use it before, reel is spooled up with 20 lb. flourocarbon now.


    I did pick up a couple of Zara Spooks and spinnerbaits today also.


    Its kinda tough teaching a walleye guy new tricks.

  7. Decided to buy a baitcaster rod and reel. From everything I have heard and read on this board, went with a Curado 200E7(for the reel), and a Shimano 6'6 IM-6 Graphite 2 piece, medium heavy fast action rod(my choice, not board recommended).

    I have always enjoyed catching bass, and eating them, but they were almost always incidental catches, never specifically targeted. My bud never really got into them, .........until a couple of years ago......now he loves catching them. He just bought a 14.5 deep and wide Triton with a 40 hp Yami, and just had a bow mount installed, TILLER OF COURSE!!!!! He does release them, but I do like eating them.

    So, going fishing tomorrow, and decided to pick up a bass outfit. Now, the last time I had a baitcaster(20 yrs ago) the experience did not go too well, but that was way back when, old technology, one handed pistol grip Ugly Stik rod and I think a Shimano reel. I failed miserably with it, and sold it 10 or so yrs. ago. I may get the chance to try to figure it out today in the back yard, but most likely I will let my bud tune it up for me tomorrow on the water, and to give me instructions.


    Any tips for use would be appreciated, I have my 7 ft. Compre with spinning reel for backup if I get flustered, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:







  8. I flipped one last week with all of my gear in it. Shallow water thankfully but still a pain.


    I celebrated by buying an aluminum boat this week. I'm done with the canoe.



    Yup, been there, done that, but in hunting season.

    Packing up the decoys to paddle back to the launch, saw a flight coming in at us head on. We hunkered down in the canoe. They flared, then broke right!!!!!!


    We are both right handed, so I went lefty, and dropped a mallard within 10 yds. of us.


    OK, get the decoys in and try to retrieve the mallard...................another flock coming in at us head on...............again, they break right(to us)shoot lefty again, but so does my bud in the front of the canoe, and.....................glub...glub......glub..................AHHHHHH, so nice to have chest waders full of water in late September. Thankfully we held onto our shotguns, ..........we flipped the canoe back over, dispelling most of the water, I climbed back in over the aft end, my bud crawled back in over the front end, both of us taking time to put our legs up to empty the water out of our waders(this was way back when we we were young and stupid).

    Got the decoys loaded, retrieved the mallard I downed(no idea if we hit any of the next flight) and paddled our way out for 2 kms.


    Got to say, 2 guys with no upper clothes on, coming back into town, in an old Dodge Ram Power Wagon, circa 1966, in 1980, we did get a lot of attention when there was street lighting, as it was probably only 5C at the time, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Two weeks later, we recovered most of the rest of our gear, which was only in 4 ft. of water, but in the loon crap bottom. A big treble hook comes in quite handy at times. The shotgun shells survived amazingly, but my binoculars were toast though.


    The very next weekend, friends of ours did the darned EXACT same thing as us, in a slightly different area, but could not recover from it, but they were spotted by some American walleye/perch fishermen who came to their aid.


    They were lucky that weekend.

  9. If there isn't a piece of rubber to pass your line through to put over the top of that style of float, then all you do is pull the spring upwards toward the main body of the float. There will be a slit in the bottom stem to put your line through, then release the spring and it will wrap around your line to lock it into the slit in the bottom of the float.

  10. Nonametttt.jpg


    Lately I have had troubles connecting to this website

    all other sites , no problem

    anyone else


    Yup, same with me, I could read the main page, the subforum, but not the general discussion area, it would try to get there but time out almost immediately. It usually only lasted about maybe 2 hrs. at best, then I could read all posts no problem. It seemed to happen to me between the hours of 4:30-6:30 pm after I got of work, then everything worked just fine. First thing in the morning, no issue. I don't read this site or log into it from my workplace between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, I am never sitting there at my pc for any extended length of time because I am so often off doing installs and repairs in rooms at our local university, unless I am on lunch break, then I read local and national news sites instead.


    I probably got more stuff done at home when I could not read the board, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. Yup, little Cleo's work, lots of sizes and colors, caught trout(all species), salmon, pike, bass, and even a walleye and a perch on one. Have used them jigging for lakers in the winter also. Mepps spinners, silver and gold blades work well, along with panther martens in the same colored blades, and Vibrax spinners as well. The panther martens are great for faster water, their blade pattern allows you to hold it in the current without it sinking too much. As well, in deeper pools, just chuck it in and let it sink, the blade will turn in a helicopter like fashion and sink slowly.



  12. Plans are coming together for north western Ontario hardcore fishing trip !!!!


    Pikeie ( oldest son) has spent the summer working a resort on Lake of the Woods and last day appears to be Aug 22 .

    so my younger son and I are planning to head up early that week and get at least 2 days of fishing on LOW before Matts last day . With family in Thunder bay and Dryden will also be hitting the waters of Nipigon ,Wapigon and Eagle ( maybe more, maybe less)

    Also in the works is trip to Lac Suel to meet up with a fellow ofnr and a day of muskie hunting before heading home .


    won't have as much time as I would like up north but will cram as much 'on the water time' as possible.


    some folks think I'm crazy driving 40 plus hours (over 3500 kms), sleeping in the van , waking up at 4 am , eating bad food ..... to fish .


    can't wait :thumbsup_anim:



    Good luck on the trip tinbanger, you will enjoy LOTW's as much as I did last year. That area has lots of sauger, walleye, bass(smallmouth), pike, black crappie, and of course musky. Hope the weather holds out for you. We did most of our trolling for walleye/sauger in 21-25 ft. using worm harnesses with worms and artificial worms, no hard baits. Caught a couple of decent perch also.

    Remember, Limeyangler(Simon) lives right on Wabigoon, he may be able to steer you to some hot spots there and on Eagle. Of course, DanC is your guy for Nipigon on this board. Wait'll you see Wiley Point, its fantastic. If you get the chance, try to go for lunch at Crow Rock, another of their lodges not that far away. Supposed to be the best food, we could not get a reservation the day we wanted and ate at Wiley Point instead. I could not get the opportunity to go back there this year. Holidays did not work out, and my bud's mother in law sold her place on the island near both Crow Rock and Wiley point. Too bad, it was a sweet place.

  13. I saw it, and totally agree, I may try it in a week or so




    It was worth reading Tom, very informative, but it had nothing to do with the topic at hand



    Ummm........OK................what topic?????????????????.................still confused here, but that's nothing new.

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