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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. Pretty well everyone must have theirs by now.


    You would think that with all the posts about this that it would be true, but I doubt it. Probably only over half of us have the card. I have had it since the first 6 months that it was imposed on us. Being that the cutoff date was mid September 2009, when a lot of us put their boats into sleep mode, I suspect they figure they will now do the test in the upcoming months before spring, if they remember.

    I know a couple of guys at work who have not not done it yet. I will remind them of the requirement.

  2. Man, those terminations are ugly, especially the first two pics. The third was probably OK, but it suffered from the others. I would say that was definatly the problem. As for the fix, great job. My one thought though is that those spade lugs were there for a reason, to take the motor apart for another fix. A bit of a problem now. Or, can you still disconnect them?

    Not clear in the photos(to me)if they still come apart or not.

  3. Reminds me of a few of the trips I used to take before we moved to the lake. That one pic showing water on the road and the lengthwise logs looks like a real killer!


    And scratches on that nice truck! Hopefully you can buff most of them out.


    What we won't do to get a good camping spot and some good fishing! :D


    I swear that that looks like where I was going to go this weekend, but the bugs are brutal up here right now. And, no, I was not going to go into Gull lake, because I am on the west side of Lake Superior, but that picture looks exactly like one place up here. I can even picture the 2 1/2 year old bull moose with his head buried in the water last time there. His eyes got really, really big when he pulled his head up and we were there not 20 yards from him, :lol: :lol:


    And whats wrong with eating smallies, I love eating them, they have a slightly sweeter taste than walleye to me.


    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Don't think we have any members in that immediate area. Grt1 is in Red Lake further north, primarily a walleye fisherman, Limeyangler is in Dryden, and may have been to Big Sand, but he is in europe right now. Ben Beattie is in Sioux Lookout, he is a guide on Lac Seul. He may have info, but he is quite a bit east of that area. Then there is Rickster who is in Fort Frances or Rainy River much further south. The Thunder Bay contingent, none of us really target musky as there are none within 4+ hours of us heading west, unless we go out to Lake of the Woods for a holiday.

  5. We finally got expected summer weather last week, for about 4 days. :lol:

    I ain't complaining though, I hate the heat wave weather. Most times this summer the highs have been in the 18-22C range, with minimal precipitation until until the last 3 weeks. Then the skies have opened up on us at times. We do need the rain though, just people lament at the rain ruining their weekends, I just fished through it a couple of times, :lol:

    And, the winds have been a pain, just a different year up here for us weather wise.

  6. The only way we up here in WMU 13 don't get an antlerless tag is if we do not apply, but it is a flippin' huge management area compared to southern Ontario, with the option to purchase more deer tags, antlered only I believe. I do not buy the extra tags so I am not that sure of what I just said. 3 guys, 3 deer, lots of meat. At least enough for us.

    Now, if I can only get out hunting. Work, and life, has been an issue the last couple of years :dunno:

  7. My bud and I got out to Lac Des Mille Lacs way up here in the Great White North yesterday. Overnight low was 7C, to a high of maybe 19C.


    Ride down the Savanne River was smooth and calm, the lake was only slightly choppy from winds from the north from the day before, which was very windy.




    I saw the low temps, and brought along my Viking insulated raingear, and my OFC toque, which I needed, :lol:




    After a 30 minute ride down the lake, we stopped at an island. A bud of ours shared plot tracks/waypoints with us, so we started there. Minutes in we both missed fish, then I got the first one, a little 10" walleye. Couple of drifts later, got another about the same size. Another boat showed up, but did not see them catch anything. Moved around the other side of the island, and I got another maybe 12". Wind was still north at 10km or so, so we drifted to the next island nearby, and my bud gets a good hit.


    Awww, crap, snot rocket, :lol:




    I usually don't take pictures of skanky pike, but I wasn't getting any bites at the time, so I tried to get some action shots, all the while keeping an eye on my rod. The pic above was the best I got, as I noticed my rod tip bending, and got a nice breakfast fish about 13 1/4".

    On this lake, you cannot keep any under 13". We drifted the spot again, but no more takers. Switched to trolling with worm harnesses. My bud put on a hot pink harness with a dew worm, I used a lighter pink/white harness with a gulp worm imitation(which worked fabulously on LOTW last year). I missed a hookset on a fish, and my bud got a nice 17.5" fish further on our troll, along with another darned pike.


    We moved around fishing deep, shallow, across saddles between islands, then went further south to some humps on the GPS plots our bud gave us. Not a touch for quite a while, then while drifting up a shelf, I had a hit, but missed it. Fed the fish though as I had no minnow left.

    Anchored there for a bit, but nothing else. Moved to another point where we noticed a bunch of boats fishing, no action there for us, but we did see one boat pull up a decent stringer of fish as they were leaving. Guess they were there from the very beginning of the day, and capitalized on it.


    Anyways we tried a few other spots with different techniques for the next 3 hrs., got another snot rocket for our effort, but never really hit another fish since 11 am. All 6 of our walleye came between 9:30-10:30 am. Then the bite just shut down. Could have been the weather switch from a low barometric pressure to a high pressure. The late mayfly hatch might have had some effect also, as we saw hundreds of larvae cases in the water. Ran into a bud of mine fishing the mouth of the Savanne River, and their experience was the same, they were even down in the same area we were, fish biting first thing in the morning, then nothing. At the launch, talked to two other parties that came in, same thing.


    I am sure some other anglers got into more decent fishing, it always happens, right place, right time, right structure, right baits, we just didn't find them today.


    Total for the day, 6 walleye(2 kept) and 3 pike(released).


    It was also a day where we were doing a shakedown cruise of my bud's new boat, a 14'9" Triton with a 25 hp 4 stroke on it, to see how much gas it uses on long runs. We traveled approximately 48 km's at 3/4 throttle, and used just over half a cruise'a'day(5 gallon tank), so now we have a decent idea of how far we can travel, and if we need to bring extra gas.

  8. I own the very same unit, love it for what it does, and I have the very same problem with the cable now. I am just going to order a new HS-WSPC transducer/power cable for it. This will be the 2nd one for me, 3rd including the original. I did not keep the original one(should have). I could have just spliced the cables, as the failure on the original was where the cable went into the transducer, it got frayed. Solved that problem with the 2nd one by hot glueing a loop right at the transducer and where the cable went into it, creating a strain releif.

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