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Posts posted by dada2727

  1. That doesn't look like a kawartha muskie, you don't see too many of them over 50. Beauty fish though wherever it came from. Too bad its tail fin got all ripped up like that. You should invest in a Beckman Pen Fin saver, money well spent IMO. Just for curiousities sake, why the grey-out on the boat?

  2. Anyone here fish it. We fished it today and did allright considering I've never fished sturgeon lake before. 15lbs and change took the crown, and we ended up with about 12.5lbs. Would have been nice to land that 4+lber that broke my brother off, but we all have those stories don't we?


    There was 76 boats and I think we finished around 25th with our weight. Caught most of our fish in the flatgrass with texas rigged worms, tubes and dingers.

  3. My 2 cents....


    Both rods have their place, but as a general rule of thumb, spinners are better for lighter applications and baitcasters for heavier as a general rule of thumb. I wouldn't spool anything over 12lb test on a spinning reel personally. Baitcasters have far better control, you can't argue that factor. I have my thumb on the spool the whole time, I can slow it down whenever I want.


    Also, I believe that baitcaster cast heavier baits further too. When you cast a spinning reel, the line comes of in circles the size of the spool, which creates a lot of friction in that first guide. That's why the first guide on spinning rods are much larger than baitcasters. And if a baitcaster has a non-disengaging levelwind, there is less friction going through the guids than a spincaster, thus giving you more distance. This is all assuming that you have all your brakes backed right off which most of us do anyways after we learn to thumb the spool.


    A disadvantage of the baitcaster is casting in wind. This is where the spincast takes over, they just simply cast better into the wind.


    flippin and pitchin'-baitcaster for accuracy, quiet entry and power to turn heads in weeds.


    Finesse fishing - spincast


    Musky fishing - All baitcasting in my opinion. They last thing I wanna do is hold a 16 oz bait by my finger all day!


    To sum it all up, trying to decide which one is better is like trying to decide whether a 5 iron or a 9 iron is better is golf. They each have thier own situations where one shines over the other.

  4. Fished the Tri-lakes and wasn't impressed with the wind, but did use it to our advantage. Fished from about 7am to 4pm with a follow, a sighting and one fish in the boat. Kind of a tough day, but the one fish was a nice 47.5 inches so it was worth it.

    Rather skinny fish, but as to be expected this time of year. She hit a swimmin Joe off a wind blown structure, and I mean windblown. I had to use the outboard to control us and couldn't imagine landing this fish with just 2 guys and that wind blowing us right on the rocks, I had to try and just hold us steady and not drag the fish too much as we popped the hooks out and released her. I'll try and get some pics up later on. Water was low 60's and up to the mid 60's by afternoon.

  5. I would say very far from coming back, like I said, over the last 5 years I've probably logged 40 hours or so and not one muskie. Hooked into one small one and lost it beside the boat a few years ago. The water is very clear and shallow, so they are very easily spooked. They are still in there, just few and far between and not a whole lot of size to them.

  6. One thing I would recommend is going no lighter than MH for a spinnerbait application. I find with the large hook on spinnerbaits, the extra backbone is needed to get a good hookset. I land a lot more fish since I made the switch.

  7. I fished it last year and left without anything in the boat. Seen a few muskie, some say they are hybrids in there but I have never boated on to see for myself. The launch is pretty beat up, you need a 4X4 to pull a boat out of there on a trailer. I wouldn't recommend it, I'd head to balsam or another kawartha lake.

  8. I wish those walleye didn't taste so good! I keep walleye when I fish for them, and don't feel a bit guilty for it. I don't go over my limit, release the bigger ones, and only fish them for a few weeks until muskie opens anyways! I really don't see the populations of walleye suffering at all to tell you the truth. I have had more luck the last 3 years walleye fishing than ever before, and I only fish them in the month of may in the kawartha's.


    Just my $0.02

  9. Hey guys, I have a 12V minnkota powerdrive and was wondering if I can hook up two deep cycles together so I can go longer between charges or will this not work? I am also planning on purchasing a 2 bank onboarding charging system.


    Thanks for the help

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