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Posts posted by dada2727

  1. Can't go wrong with the stihl ms260. 18" bar is good, wouldn't go to much bigger though, you sacrifice a lot of power when you do. You can take down a pretty big tree (32" diameter anyways!) and it's still light enough you can use it in the tree. I use it when I'm climbing all the time!


    U definetly need some safety equipment though, I run a saw for a living and would never run one without saw pants or chaps might be more practical for you. Also some eye protection, hearing protection, steel toe boots, leather gloves and a hard hat wouldn't even hurt when your felling trees, you never know when a chico is gonna come flying out of another tree and visit you!


    Some other stuff that you need would be a bar wrench to adjust chain tension,l etc., some round files ( 3/16 I think) to sharpen your teeth, and a flat file to drop your guides as your teeth wear down and to take any burrs off your bar. Takes a bit of a knack to sharpen a chainsaw properly, but you'll get on to it.


    If you plan on having the saw for a long time, the stihl ms260 is easily the best all round saw out there!

  2. Nice fish man! We were out Saturday on Pigeon. Managed a 32, 42, 44.5, 49" and had a follow from about a 47" and lost another smaller fish. Everything we got was in less than 10 FOW though. I dunno if the fish have gone deep yet.

    Same story for us Sunday on Cameron. Few fish in the boat, saw a few more, everything was up shallow.


    Nice job Rob, were you out with Jay? I haven't been out for the ski's in a while, just hung up the bass gear for the year though and plan on putting some of that musky gear to use, hopefully sometime this week.

  3. Yes I was fishing from my boat, and it was on pigeon lake. I'm not sure if I should post the name of the trailer park on here. I just want to be 100% sure that he was in the wrong, would look kind of silly calling police up and then I end up getting charged!

  4. So I was out crappie fishing with my soon to be 3 year old son, who by the way is also obsessed, and we were fishing in kind of a small bay full of docks that you commonly see in trailer parks and marinas. The owner told us that it was "man made" and we were tresspassing. I thought that as long as I wasn't tied to his docks or bumbing into them that I was okay, no?


    There was absolutely nobody at the park, and he made my little guy bawl his eyes out when I told him we had to leave because the action was hot, so the guy was a total idiot. Even if it is tresspassing I'm pretty sure if I seen a dad and his little 3 year old fishing in late april just before dark I wouldn't tell them to leave.


    I'm sure others have encountered this and was wondering how you guys dealt with it? I'm not big on confrontations, especially with my son, so I just left and asked him if he was happy that he made my son cry. Haha, throw a little guilt his way, why not?

  5. I've had a few different opinions on this, and was curious to hear a few more before I made my choice. I have a 12 volt trolling motor and 2 deep cycle batteries, because 1 usually doesn't last the whole day. I would like to hook the two batteries up in parallel esentially making one big battery because I am sick of changing them over on the lake, so will a 2 bank charger work if one bank is on each battery, or is that like charging one battery with 2 banks because they are in parallel?


    Will this work or how do I get around this? I was thinking about just using one bank on both but that would probably take a long time to charge them both, sometimes not being ready to go for the next morning I'm guessing.



  6. I'm going to hook up a couple deep cycles in parallel for my 12V trolling motor, sick of changing them over on the water.

    Now when I'm charging them, I assume I don't have to disconnect them from each other and charge them separetly? It should just act like one big battery no? And also, should I unplug the trolling motor upfront in the bow or disconnect right from the battery when I'm charging? Thx

  7. Gonna try to head out at somepoint over the holidays for some hardwater action and looks like cooks bay is the best option right now.


    Just wondering where the best access points are around keswick? I've never fished cooks bay, I'm usually out north of thorah for the lakers, but my brother is up over the holidays and would like to get out for a fish so any advice would be appreciated.


    I hear the perch are what most people are after out there?

  8. I've had well over 150 kawartha muskie boated between my boat and my buddies in the last 5 years, and only about 5 were in the 25 - 30 pound class. That just goes to show you how hard it is. Our biggest was somewhere around 30 lbs, was a nice healthy 48.5 "er.


    You definetly have to be out this time of year if you even want to think of cracking that 40 lb mark in the kawarhtas.


    Both thses fish were caught early season (june). Would be nice to see them in october.



  9. Haven't seen the frog episode yet, but looking forward to it after seeing the crankbait one last week. Love the new look of the show, definetly one of the shows I try not to miss on WFN. Hey JP, I heard your taking a musky guide from eastern ontario bass fishing on erie this spring :whistling:


    Keep up the good work man

  10. Sometimes I think "fishing ethics" go too far. Don't get me wrong, I am an advid kawartha muskie and bass fisherman, 100% catch and realease, but pretty soon I have a feeling I am going to be screamed at for having hooks on my sledge! (muskie jerkbait)

    My buddy allready takes the back hook off because "It can hurt the fish". Hurt the fish? What about the other 2 trebles buried in it's jaw? As a very knowledgable musky hunter said on another board, "you only need to see one big fish hanging on by the last treble to change your mind." Pretty soon people are going to have no hooks and you'll hear "WOW, that was a 50 inch strike for sure!"


    There is nothing wrong with following regulations, I don't agree with harvesting muskie, but I'm not about to judge somebody for exercising their legal right, I might educate them a little thats all. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should trust the MNR to make good decisions and regulations, after all, that's what they get paid to do and as much as some of us hate to admit it, they know a lot more than we do about fisheries management.


    Kind of reminds me of how I could be a way better GM for the leafs......bring up Kadri and put in the Monster!

  11. yeah you should try the beckman finsaver pen style net. I have had one for 3 years now with no issues. Have landed fish that I would have lost trying to get into a cradle also. some disadvantages are that it takes up a lot of room on your boat, but I think it's a more than fair trade off.

  12. I don't feel fluoro is less abrasion resistant than mono. I know thats what a lot of people have been saying lately and there somebody that does test on it and whatever, but I don't think all the musky fisherman would use the stuff if it wasn't tough. I've caught hundreds of musky's on the stuff and never had a break off. Can catch 20 or more fish on one leader without as much as a scratch. It's just like any other type of line, if your getting broke off alot, go heavier! Thats coming from a bass fisherman, I don't know squat about trout fishing.

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