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Posts posted by dada2727

  1. 50 lb braid all the way. Tried flouro a few years ago....then tried it again this year....and keep going back to braid. If the water is clear I'll tied on a 20 lb flouro leader material (seagar) and have never had a problem with it yet. Don't use 17 lb flouro as a leader when flippin docks and stuff, I learned the hard way.....

  2. Same type of thing happened to me and my new extreme baitcast reel....a few drops of oil in the bearings and it made all the difference in the world. I have also bought reels used and taking them apart to find grease in the bearings....not oil! Lots of other good thoughts here too.

  3. Well I think it's time to get a new scale. I'm pretty sure mine is out of calibration, and I run a small fishing club and need an accurate scale.


    I seen a pretty cool one on Big Bass Battle, that show on WFN, that beeped when it was done getting a weight. This would be perfect so we're all not waiting for the scale to stop moving and just "calling it". I think it was a berkley scale but not sure. Does anyone have one of these scales or know which one I'm talking about?



  4. Wow Cliff!!!ohmy.gif

    That was a close call.The stumps must warm up in the sun cause they are darker than the surrounding water, then cause the water to warm up enough to melt the ice around them.


    Be safe, glad you weren't hurt or worse.


    Good point mercman, I just took an ice safety course through work and this was one of the points the instructor stressed can cause ice failure. Another big one was rotting vegetation, and anyone that knows goose bay knows about all the rotting vegetation, and it was mentioned about springs which is a big one on a lake that hasn't been travelled too much before in the winter.


    I have a buddy that lives on Scugog, and he knows the areas where the springs are and steers clear of them.


    I think it's gonna take some time to learn the ice conditions for all these new kawartha lakes that are open for the hardwater now.

  5. I like to fish both ways still. If I'm going out to simcoe, I use rods and electronics because I've seen days when lakers will only hit your minnow or artificial on the chase (when you mark a fish and start reeling and pulling it away). But if I'm backlake fishing for specs or something, the ol' willow rig is hard to beat.


    I've also got back into fishing with the old school wooden tipups this year, although the line tangles have me using it in combination with a rod/reel and clothespin now. When your fishing in 90+ feet a reel is a nice place to keep all that line! Theres something about watching that ol' wooden tipup rocking back and forth that exciting, if you have a good setup you can even tell when a fish is down there because your minnow starts swimming harder and the tipup starts rocking harder. Maybe it's just the nice break from staring at the finder too.


    Sometimes we get caught up in all the new gear and hype we forget how fun some of the old stuff was, so don't be afraid to bring it back to the old school!

  6. Anyone know the thickness of ice on the deeper areas. I am thinking about heading up there tomorrow and was hoping to go for lakers/whiteys but I am not too brave when it comes to thinner ice. Should i just stick to perch/pike for now and give it more time to thicken up?


    Any advice here or via pm would be greatly appreciated.




    Last sunday there was 3 inches on the trout grounds out from beaverton (woodmans shoal), so I bet there might be a few brave soles taking their machines out there this weekend....but I think most of the folks are waiting till next weekend.

  7. With the trout grounds hardening up, I was thinking about how I have never caught, or even seen for that matter, a native simcoe lake trout. I've heard of people catching them, but never even seen a pic. Anyone ever seen or caught one, or better yet have a pic?


    Also, does anyone know if the stocked lake trout in simcoe reproduce at all?



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