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Posts posted by dave524

  1. 1 hour ago, DanD said:

    If you like a few meals of fish every once and awhile, you should try Bluegills. Just as good (IMO) as walleye or perch. Plus you'll be surprised at how much meat these flat buggers give up after cleaning them. 


    Crappie is right up there too, better than Erie Walleyes IMHO

  2. I see Fortinos has whole pork shoulders for 99 cents a pound until Jan 20th, also whole pork loins for $1.99 a pound for slicing into boneless chops and roasts. Probably the same price at all the Loblaw's chain stores possibly. 

    edit  also 20 yards of sausage casing for $6.99

    • Like 1
  3. Get them early, like late April/May , they come in shallow to spawn/feed. Look for dark bottoms as those areas warm first. Speaking on my experiences at Long Point, once they move out they are difficult to locate, maybe they suspend over deeper water.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, woodenboater said:

    ALERT ! pork shoulders on sale at Valumart again. Antibiotic free chickens on sale as well. wish I had a bigger freezer....

    I always see a big cooler of pork shoulders at a great price and a box of sausage casings at RCSS  here about this time every year. Last year 2 older gentlemen , Italian I think, had a cart full, 8 or so ahead of me in the checkout, must be a traditional sausage making time .

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  5. On 12/31/2020 at 12:51 PM, dave524 said:

    Reading that they are considering using it as a single dose given that it is 80% effective as a single dose and 95 % effective as a 2 dose. Long time since I studied statistics , would twice the people with 80% immunity be better than half as many with 95 % ? Also, though they really didn't have enough time to study it would the immunity last as long ?

    update : they seem to be still considering getting more first doses out there before beginning the second round   https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canada-probing-whether-delaying-second-covid-19-vaccine-doses-could-help-more-people/ar-BB1cuMWn?li=AAggNb9

  6. 15 hours ago, cisco said:

    Maybe watch that Dr Cory vid properly since if what he and his task force are finding is correct then Ivermectin is safely being used in many parts of the world with great success both in a preventative role and as a treatment.

    I don't mind taking a pill knowing many have been taking it for years with scant side effects for preventative small doses. 

    I recall him stating his group set up a not-for-profit charity website with information for folks around the world so that info can be obtained re protocol for people safely taking proper amounts for prevention and for hospitals to administer safely to covid patients. 

    I haven't reviewed that website but no point yet since acc to my pharmacist the drug isn't even being allowed in pharmacies here even for parasitic disease treatment like lice which is pretty common for homeless folks. Now there is a possible conspiracy theory.... Nobel prize for medicine and used for years around the world except not allowed here? What's up with dat?

    Isn't this  ( Invermectin )very similar to the stuff we administer to our dogs monthly throughout the summer for the control of heartworm and other parasites ?

    edit: my dogs also get a shot for Lyme that used to be approved for humans but was withdrawn for side effects

    Just guessing but if Lyme ever hit pandemic proportions it would be reapproved for human use 😂

  7. 2 minutes ago, DanD said:

    That was more then likely a saltwater eel. When we use go to Belgium to visit family, my Ante would make sure she had a good supply of it for my Dad. Here in London there are a number of European fish marks; that all seem to sell "fresh" eel. Maybe you can get some from a market and try your hand at smoking some?


    The ones here are saltwater eels , they migrate back to the Ocean. The lifecycle is quite unique

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

    \I think this is something that is going to be tested in Zone 20 and eventually make its way across all of the regs. 

    To me it makes total sense to give the bass even more time to finish up spawning while they are guarding nests. I take a week off every year at opener and its incredible the transition of the fish over a 7 day period and the difference it makes on catch rates. Especially in colder years those first few days the fish are still dirt shallow and by the end of the week they are out into 10 fow. If you gave them the extra week I am certain you would be saving a lot of fish, especially from tournament pressure where anglers are taking the fish and totally relocating them.


    The most important part about this change is that it opens up the pre-spawn bite to recreational anglers but unless you have an implemented MLF style digital tournament set up, these regs completely eliminate the possibility of tournaments until July while allowing recreational anglers to target some big big fish. I dont know about anyone else but I am beyond stoked at the opportunity to take a few of those warm March/april and even early may days and target some giant bass out of Hamilton and the Toronto islands.

    Ill see you guys out there on lake O, ill be in the white skeeter!

    I'm 70 and in my memory there has always been several sanctuary areas at Pt. Colborne where you can't fish until 2 weeks after the regular opener, judging by Dave Chong's recent post out of there, it works.

  9. On 12/9/2020 at 3:36 PM, Sinker said:

    Rods don't need to be fancy, but don't skimp out on the reels. They take a beating. 

    I use shimano TDR's. Got them for $20 each at CT on sale lol....they work great. 

    I prefer the church boards (orange ones) personally. I just find them easier to get off when reeling in a fish. 

    I'm assuming your running lead cores? 


    Was never a fan of online boards. Ran a pair of homemade double boards off a mast in the front of the boats and releases were simply a box of rubber bands and shower curtain rings, the K.I.S.S. principle.

  10. On 12/8/2020 at 11:43 AM, BillM said:

    I still run Fenwick Riggerstix to this day, I wish I could find a few more.   So much fun, especially when you're fishing for kings.  

    Back in the day Lorne Green of L.G. Custom Tackle in Mount Hope told me the original Riggerstix were built on the brown fibreglass 10 wt. fly rod blanks when Fenwick/ Woodstream was in Niagara Falls , maybe you can source something similar if anyone still makes glass rod blanks.

    • Like 1
  11. UK started vaccinating yesterday  https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/uk-probing-if-allergic-reactions-linked-to-pfizer-vaccine/ar-BB1bLNga?li=AAggNb9


    edit : now my wife checked into it and says Canada recommends that injections not be carried out in a facility without resuscitation equipment, scary stuff and people with a history of allergies were excluded from the trials

  12. I ran Ambassedeur 5500's on Fenwick 8 wt fiberglass fly blanks built as riggerstiks,  loaded with 10 pound Trilene XT for all the time I fished Erie for Pickerel, they were more than adequate. Actually ran them for spring salmon too ,  a few 25 pound Kings came in on them too. Switched to 10 weight blanks  and 6500's loaded with 14 XT for the big ones in the summer.

  13. 1 hour ago, RayK said:

    It’s a bait catcher, also called “pilchard rings”. I first used one in the 70’s while fishing off a Pier in Florida, everyone was using them to catch small bait fish which they would then use to catch “real fish”. They sold them in the little fishing shop that was on the Pier.

    It was simply lowered into the water, and the bait fish would be all over it, attracted to the colourful material, and many would get their gills stuck in the wire loops. It was very effective.



    Bingo, we have a winner, seems they have been illegal for some time now, at least in Florida

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