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Everything posted by glenner

  1. Aikman's in Mississauga 3010 Novar Rd. Mississauga, Ont. L5B 1S4 905-277-3595
  2. Same with me, lots of work for fewer fish. Last year the numbers of walleye caught by my fishing buddies and I were really good, with the only problem being lots of fish caught that were over the legal size. This year started with good numbers but lots of smaller fishe being caught. Now, like many others are saying, August has been really tough fishing. Some reliable spots just haven't produced at all this season, while the best fishing seems to be in some areas that typically don't produce. The one constant has been Muskies, it's been hard to keep them off the line this year and I have lost a lot of worm harnesses to those toothy brutes.
  3. Man, what an awesome collection of hawgs! I used to fish for Bass almost exclusively but over the years gradually changed to now fishing for Walleye almost all the time. After reading your report and seeing those pictures I decided I have to start getting after Bass again! Great read and great pictures to boot!
  4. Took the suggestion to check my idle adjustment and sure enough it worked. Turned it down a bit, motor still ran fine and I got the trolling speed down to about 1.2 mph with a 5 gallon pail out. As a result, nailed a couple of nice Walters for the dinner table. Thanks everyone for the suggestion. Just goes to show, try the simple solution rather than jump for the most complicated or expensive right away! Thanks again
  5. Thanks to everyone for the info on the idle adjustment, that is definitely what I'll try.
  6. Thanks O.I., I hadnt wanted to mess with the motor because it's always run so well, but that is probably worth trying first. The more I think of it, the more it seems to me that it may be idling a bit too high. Up until this year, I didn't have this problem and I could get the boat slow enough with a sock, it's just this season that I've had problems so maybe it is the idle.
  7. Mike Rousseau - Thanks, I'm sure if it slows down that monster, it would do the same for my motor. BillM - Both the sock and the bucket have slowed me down, but not as much as I'd like, so I was looking for another solution. Never thought about back trolling, that's something I've never done but might give that a try before spending the money on the trolling plate. Thanks
  8. Hello, It's been years since I've posted but I have remained a loyal lurker, checking the board almost daily and getting lots of valuable info. Now I have a question that I hope I can get some help with. I fish almost exclusievley on Sturgeon Lake, where I have a trailer, and I generally troll worm harnesses for walleyes. I have a 16 foot aluminum side console (older) with a 35hp Merc (also older). The motor runs great but I can't get it to troll down slow enough. I have tried drift socks and 5 gallon pails, but they don't help enough. A friend suggested a trolling plate like this one http://www.basspro.com/Happy-Troller/product/16089/ Has anyone had any experience with one of these that they could share with me? Is it worth the money? How about ease of installation and reliability? Appreciate any feedback I could get. Thanks,
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