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About K_F

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  1. Unreal report Mike, thanks for taking the time to post. Glad to see the timing of everything worked out for you.
  2. They have updated the description of the suspects in the Tim Bosma dissapearance. Specifcally the tattoos of one suspect. They test drove a similar truck in toronto sunday, and cell phone records lead police to believe they have spent time in Etobicoke prior. see below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please continue to share. POLICE UPDATE JUST IN on May 10th: Tim’s vehicle was seen in Brantford and his cell phone has been recovered in Brantford. According to cell phone records, the 2 suspects test drove a similar vehicle in TORONTO o...n May 5th. The word “Ambition” is tattooed on one of the suspect’s wrists. It is unique in that "Ambition" has a "box frame" around it. SPECIAL TIP LINE set up for this investigation: 905-546-2100. Please continue to “SHARE” until Tim Bosma is brought home safely. He went missing when two men who found his truck listed for sale on in the Internet came to test drive it in Ancaster. He was last seen driving his black Dodge Ram 3500 with plate # 726-7ZW. If you’ve seen Tim or the truck, you can call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477 or call the special tip line at 905-546-2100 DETAILS ON THE SUSPECTS: 1) male white, 6’1” to 6’2”, 170 to 180 lbs, mid 20’s, light to medium short brown hair, unshaven, wearing blue jeans, long sleeve orange shirt and running shoes. The male had several tattoos on his arms. On one of his wrists where a person wears a watch was the word, “Ambition.” There was a box tattooed, framing the outside of the word. Police have researched this tattoo which is not uncommon but the location of it is unique. This male has not been identified as yet. 2) male white, 5’9” to 5’10” , small to medium build, early to mid 20’s, dark hair, wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with hood up over his head.
  3. Here is a copy of the poster - please spread it around, share on social media
  4. http://new.livestream.com/accounts/763580/events/2088758 Definately very real.....Tim is from my hometown, the Hamilton Police just heald a press conference.....please spread the word
  5. "Are you kidding me?" awesome video - thanks for posting - that thing was thick
  6. awesome report, looks like youve got the pattern dialed out there....thanks for posting this
  7. Waiting for the odessy sounds like a good chance to handle several nets.....I will definately need one I can handle solo. Thanks
  8. Ladies and gents, How about a softwater topic? Time to upgrade from my entry level musky net, the one im using is a mesh and the basket just isnt deep enough. Its served its purpose but its time to move on...... thoughts? cost estimates? suggestions? thanks, kf
  9. killer fish....way to slug it out.....the camera is a kick in the teeth
  10. I have a fixed blade ofah buck knife, and my good ol' folding buck 110. Don't mind using either. Just needs to be sharp
  11. We had heavy rut activity here at the end of october. I got my buck with the bow, november 2nd, chasing a doe. His neck was huge and I had lots of good sign around the stand. My freezer is full so I haven't been out since. But we were seeing lots of activity at the time.
  12. Correct, but Kosid would have been governed by MNR regs, as I don't believe he was from six nations.
  13. Actually the controlled shotgun season runs for a full week. 87E Nov. 5 to Nov. 11 343 SG, ML only Dec. 3 to Dec. 9 344 SG, ML only Bow season doesnt open til the monday morning 80, 85A, 85B, 85C, 87B, 87C, 87D, 87E, 89A,89B, 90A, 90B, 93A, 93B Oct. 1 to Nov. 4 Nov. 12 to Dec. 2 Dec. 10 to Dec. 31 therefore in WMU's where there is no sunday gun hunting (like 87E where i hunt) there would be NO Hunting at all on sunday november 11th, gun or bow. sad tradgedy none the less. Im not sure I feel safe all the time where there are regulations.....let alone where there arent
  14. Police said another deer hunter fired into the trees from the road, hitting a male bow hunter about 375 metres away. this is uncalled for absolutely awful....poor family....
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