So yesterday, I dicided to get out with my son and we got to the spot and put our waders and of we go. We have only just started steelheading in the recent years, but as an avid flyfisher I can read a river pretty well. I chose to go to a bigger river that is always murky because the lack of rain. With the bright sun, we went to the pools with shade. We tried roe with no success probably because there so crappy tied. Can you buy eggs so you can tie them yourself?????
I decided to put on a pink worm and my son put on a silver mepps. He instanty started catching small trout around 6 to 10 inches. We got to a big logjam and first cast he gets one!!!!! It does a swoosh and the surface and the reel goes sceaming. Being only 13, my son has learned how to play a fish and not to just reel it in. It comes in and its a beutiful 5 pound female. My son asks wheres the mepps, then I feared the worst. This river has only been catch and release in the last couple years and this fish had inhaled this spinner. It was about 3 to 4 inches inside his mouth. If I tried to take it out it would surely die. So i figured the best way for it to survive is to cut the line. This taught me a lesson that always when catch and release is to use single barbless hooks. But why wouldn't they put that on the regulations? I didnt bother taking pictures after being very occupied at the time even though I had my son there. It was going to get dark and we were about a km up the river so we had to hed our way back. I felt sad the rest of the day. Was this the best thing to do????
Bill S.