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Everything posted by bluesky1713

  1. I live in Parry Sound, but have not been down to the waterfront recently. It doesn't look like there is any ice on the Bay though. Check out these resources: http://text.www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/marine...stationID=45137 http://ice-glaces.ec.gc.ca/app/WsvPrdCanQr...80&Lang=eng <-- Click the Daily Ice Analysis Chart - Concentration for the Eastern Great Lakes I recently moved to the Parry Sound area and have never ice fished Parry Sound Harbour. I wouldn't mind doing some ice fishing if you're looking for someone to go with.
  2. I was filling up the 25 liter gas tank in my boat today, and when I was taking it out of my boat to go fill it up at the pump, a spring, washer and what looked like a ball bearing shot out of the end of the fuel line when I disconnected it from my motor. From what I have been reading, I believe this is the anti-siphon valve (?). I may be completely wrong about that though. Fuel was allowed to leak out of the end of the line (there was nothing stopping it). Is there a repair for this or will I need to replace the fuel line (it is a mid 80's Merc with the old connector)? And can I live without it and still run my motor until I get it fixed (a few days)? My Grandpa is coming to visit/fish tomorrow, so responses asap would be great! I really hope I can still go out on it without these pieces/valve. Thanks!!!
  3. John, that is an interesting setup. Radnine, it's a 14ft fiberglass boat. Flat bottom. Fairly wide beam. Photos here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34570
  4. Thinking about putting a livewell in my boat. (It does not have one). What is the best way to do this? Should I build my own, or is there a good place to buy a livewell that I could install in my boat? I have found a few links online regarding fabrication of a livewell from a cooler. Has anyone on this board done this and to what degree of success? Thanks!
  5. This is the second monster muskie caught by a non-muskie angler out of Nipissing in the last month or so. Would have been funny to watch him try to get the fish into that net.
  6. All set up and good to go. Thank you for all your help. First time I plugged it in, I had it backwards (down was up, up was down). Quick switch of the wires and no problems. Thanks again!
  7. It's a 1996 Big Jon Sportsman. I was wrong about the connector for the downrigger. It is only 2-prong. Which is no big deal. Except that I do not know which prong is positive and which is negative. Will there be serious repercussions if I plug it in backwards? And is there any safe way to figure out + or - on the 2 prong male downrigger connector end? I am all set up, I just have to head down to my boat and test it out. White wire to a 20 amp fuse to a little metal alligator clip. Black wire to another metal alligator clip. Does it matter which way the fuse is connected (is there a backwards)? Sorry for my ignorance. I have absolutely no electrical experience. Thank you everyone for all your help.
  8. Ok, that makes sense. Sorry for the confusion. Are the wires different colors (will I have a red and a black)?
  9. You are saying this would be required (see attached) if it was only a 2-prong from the downrigger.
  10. Oh, I see. However, I think the plug (male) from the downrigger is three pronged. So there should be no problems.
  11. Fisherman, I am a little confused on what you mean by leaving one prong unused. To recap: - The downrigger power cord has a three prong connection. - Which I would attach to one of the female connectors at one end of a power cord. - I will splice the other male end of this power cord and connect to my 12v battery (negative to negative, positive to positive with a fuse on the positive).
  12. No manual (bought it used) and nothing available online unfortunately. Would I be able to wire an extension cord (with outlets in one end) to the battery so that I don't have to splice up my downrigger wire (which has a male connector at one end)?
  13. Actually, I guess it is 12 volt. That is the typical voltage for a car battery, right?
  14. I am going to double check tomorrow (boat is new to me) but I am 80% sure it is a 24 volt (car battery).
  15. I'm looking for some help. I need to know the easiest/cheapest way to connect my Big Jon Sportsman electric downrigger to the 24 volt battery in my boat. Thanks!
  16. Mike, This thread should help: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34531
  17. Looking to buy some downriggers for my boat. They can be manual or electric. New or used. I am looking at the lower end price-wise. I know Scotty is a top brand and Big Jon seems to make quality equipment. Does anyone have any advice on where to look for a good price (Canadian)? Also, what brand/model would be a good buy (price & quality)? Would a used electric Big Jon Sportsman be a smart purchase (wary about the motor)? Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the advice, Smally. I'm going to be trying it out this weekend. We'll see how well it works.
  19. Thanks Fish4Eyes. Anyone else have an opinion/advice?
  20. I own a 14 foot fiberglass boat (photos here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=parry+sound) and just purchased an anchor for it today. I will be using it primarily on Georgian Bay. The anchor is a 15 pound Navy, I have two 100 foot anchor lines, and 6 feet of chain. Is this sufficient to hold my boat? Thank you in advance for your advice. Josh
  21. That makes sense. Thanks. I plan on fishing my bait 30-40 feet deep. So, I shouldn't have any concerns about reeling the stopper onto my spinning reel and also when casting it back out/dropping my line boatside, right?
  22. I have never done any fishing with slip floats. So, pardon my ignorance. Can I fish a slip float with a regular spinning setup? Will the stopper work fine with the rod eyes and spinning reel? Thank you in advance for your help! Josh
  23. Any idea where one could buy a bait band? Would Bass Pro carry them? I know it's a UK think but I would love to buy some. http://www.bristolangling.com/8750/Maver-S...Bait-Bands.html
  24. Awesome report, talented dog. What part of Nipissing were you on, Laszlo?
  25. I went there once and my Dad and I got a charter out of Lion's Head for salmon. I believe the charter name was the Huron Dawn. We had a good time. Probably caught about 6 small salmon. The boat was fantastic.
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