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Posts posted by kenzy31

  1. Food and toys/games. Lots of both!! I try to have my kids leave the electronics at home or at least in the truck while we're fishing. Weather in the boat or on ice, I'd like to have their attention on the outdoors for at least a couple hours. They love to play in the snow, make snowmen, wander around to others and chat, see their fish, get minnows to play with, show them the perch and tell them the parts, name the fins, all that great stuff. Kids are like sponges, they love new experiences and mine just love spending dad time outdoors

  2. Congrats all around guys!

    Locnar give it another go bud, you already know you can do it ??

    Feb 28 will be 6 years cig-free for me, and what helped was the realization that the craving and withdrawals begin the INSTANT that butt is done! Every smoke just starts the withdrawal cycle over again.

  3. Great to hear Bill, I missed the first time around. I too recently had FANTASTIC service from Maui Jim. I bought a pair (non-script) from LensCrafters in July after having enough of the broken $15 jobs. Paid a good buck for the most comfortable pair of glasses I've ever owned and had been taking good care of them. Somehow got a pit mark on the right lens so I stopped into the store for advice. They sent them out for me to the Mississauga office an in 3 days got a call saying they don't cover impact damage, but would do a onetime replacement FREE OF CHARGE!

    I was floored! Never expected that at all, and now I will never buy another!

  4. We've been quoted $1950 to replace our 30 year old unit with a Carrier made 95% efficient furnace. That's installed, out the door, 10 year manufacturer warranty, 1 year of service calls covered. We had guys in from Reliance and others quoting $6000++ for a similar optioned model! Shop around, find a friend's discount like we did.

    Good luck!

  5. Great pics Lew, looks like a fantastic time!

    Seeing those whale shots from St. Andrews brings all kinds of great memories back. After moving to Ontario in 1988 when I was 6, I spent every summer back in NB with my grandparents. Whale watching, tide hiking, swimming in the ocean...those were some of the great times I remember. Keep them coming Lew, cheers!



  6. Hey gang, I'm heading out Sunday to Dorval for work and looking for any suggestions of shore fishing opportunities around. I don't want to find myself somewhere I shouldn't be, so just a little direction would be nice :)

    I won't have a vehicle so something close to Herron Rd. near the airport would be ideal. But a short cab ride wouldn't be out of the question either.


    Thanks y'all,


  7. Zara spooks seem to be the most interesting to seagulls.

    I second that ^^

    I've pulled a Super Spook away from more seagulls than fish I think lol. Hooked one 5-6 years ago at the Barrie waterfront, took me 10 mins to reel it in and an old fella beside me threw on a work glove and had freed in 30 seconds. What a show that ordeal was

  8. Not all trades are created equal regarding demand and the strength of the trades has been diminished by the reduction of the demand. Less manufacturing province wide has had a definite effect on the number of skilled tradesman required. Simple supply and demand. This has had a ripple effect beginning at company levels and all the way down to residential. With so many available electricians and plumbers, there is an increase in cash deals for home services. With interest rates so low and more people buying homes than ever, why are so many of the 2-10 people service businesses going out of business?


    I was asked to speak to the apprenticeship classes at Mohawk College a few years ago about the value of trades and trades as a career option. I asked, "Would you like me to tell the truth?" I got a puzzled look in return so I continued. "Would you like me to explain how in the machining and die making industry, the majority of the jobs have been relocated offshore? That in many cases only prototype work, work that is expensive to ship, time sensitive or higher complexity is the work North Americans can compete at?" This hurts job prospects for new machinists. I had just finished "right sizing" a business from 96 employees to 17. Tell me again why I should go into that trade?

    I've been feeling this change for the last 6-8 years as a CNC Machinist. Good paying, long lasting, secure jobs are getting too rare around here in Simcoe County. I got in with a large, forward thinking welding/fab/machine shop here in Barrie about a year ago and things are ok for the time being, but still fairly low on the wage scale at low-mid 20's. I bought my house at 25 when my first daughter was born in 2007, and back then was making $27+/ hour working 3.5 days per week. Now I work more, make less and have 3 kids! lol

    But this "kid" (of 34 lol), has been full time employed since finishing CNC course in 2001. I started at $13/hr and just kept trying to improve my skills. If I could go back to 2000 and look at options again, I would've seriously considered military or electrician. Put in my 20 years and out or work for myself on my terms. But my family depends on me like I do them, so for the next 5 years we carry on. When all 3 girls are in school it's my wife's turn to go back to school and then we re-evaluate. Maybe move back home (for me) to New Brunswick, find relaxing menial jobs and live the good life! lol

    Always remember that not all kids are created equal, and certainly neither are the parents!! lol

    We do our best to show our girls by example, hopefully it sticks.

  9. Don't plan on using a fish finder with that stuff! Buddy had a sample from the manufacturer this past ice season so we tried it where we were whitie fishing on Simcoe. Cluttered up my x67 so bad for an hour that I moved holes. We were in 40ish feet for reference

  10. If anyone is looking for winter rubber boots, I saw a "Screamin Deal" in the TSC flyer for 40% off Baffin, Kamik, and Absolute Zero boots. The Barrie location carried Titans last season, I'd imagine they still do. I know myself and many, many others love them :)

    Just passing along a deal, nothing more.

    Tight lines

  11. Ironmaker or kenzy

    Could you provide more info. What equipment, bandwidth?, might I need. What is an android box? What is the cost to set this equipment up? I presently have cogeco with 2 of their boxes, 1 is HD, also includes internet. Cost me $129.31 per month.

    We have Bell Fibe internet with unlimited bandwidth so streaming and copious surfing are not an issue. The box we have is an M8s running KitKat operating system found on cell phones like Samsung Galaxy. I picked it up from a kijiji seller here in barrie for $140, thanks to a recommendation by a coworker. It came pre-loaded with the apps we needed to get started right away. He had me in his home for a 45 min tutorial on the basics and we were set!! We've only had it about 3-4 months but I wish I'd have done it sooner! This thing is amazing, movies on demand, series shows updated within hours of playing on tv, live sports from all over the world, live satellite TV from Canada, USA, UK, etc,

    If anyone is interested in one around barrie, I can forward sellers info...



  12. Our Android box and unlimited internet package has saved us hundreds of dollars in the time since we cut the cord over 2 years ago. We can pick and choose our drivel on demand or watch live drivel on the satellite links. It's also replaced our aging laptop for light web surfing.

  13. Why not Cocaine or LSD or shrooms? Sure alcohol is legal. But its already legal. Why not Steroids? Why not Viagra or Cialis? Why should you need a prescription for Tylenol 3? I personally am not saying it should be illegal. Medically yes it has a place. So medically for marijuana yes with a prescription why not. For recreational use why not just allow everything to everyone without a prescription. Like Steroids, Viagra, Tylenol 3, Codeine, Oxy etc... A drug is a drug regardless of the use, benefits or side affects. I think it should be regulated. Taking away things that are already legal is a different story like say caffeine.

    Apples to oranges on so many levels!

    My personal opinion on where the future of pot should go is in the direction of decriminalization for personal growing and use. I know what's in my buds, I know nobody has been harmed or ripped off in procuring my smoke, and like my veggies, there's pride in consuming something "home grown."

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