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Everything posted by dgr8t1

  1. Hey there everyone, its been a while since i posted any pics or reports but hope everyone is doing well. I was thinking of heading out to rice lake on saturday for bass opener. Just wondering if anyone knew where i can go rent a boat. thanks ahead and and goodluck to everyone!
  2. nice going CC great to see those fresh chromies. by the way i know where that sport is but its between me and you
  3. Its been a while since i've written any postings but i was wondering if i can get some feedback on th raven float rod IM8 15' and the raven matrix float reel. I got really good deals on them at the show but i was still curious. I myself support islander float reels all the way but i just grabbed it mostly for a back up and cause i like to fall alot in the river so it has a cover. Thanks ahead for the feedback and really appreciated. thanks again and great fishing to all. cheers!
  4. there are 2 of them on jane just north of lawrence and there is al flahrety on dufferin north of rogers all ttc accessible cheers and great fishing
  5. welcome aboard cant wait to see some reports. cheers and great fishing
  6. originally born in france.nationality portuguese but live here in toronto since 1990
  7. the conditions are always fine now. Inspecially since the cold came in. Just try any tribe and don't give up, it takes a while but somethings gotta give. You also need a lot of patience but when they hit it'll all be worth it. cheers and great fishing
  8. way to go man nothing like cathing that fall chrome. congrats. love that photoshop work of a pic. cheers and great fishing.
  9. Well headed out early in the morning yesterday. It was really cod that i couldnt even cruch up my fingers. Despite the cold still headed out east for some action. In the beginning it was really slow im guessing cause it wasn't still day break. As soon as the sun came up people started hitting them. Out of my luck I didn't even get one hit but my friends al landed fish between the 2 to 5 pounds and one of them landing 13pound male . What a fight and a mission to land it. All in all had an amazing time even though i didn't catch any. But its all about getting out and doing what i love the most which is fishing except for the gf. Cheers to all and great fishing and hopefuly ill put up some pics next time.
  10. nice pic man. congrats cheers and great fishing!
  11. lake simcoe here i come and maybe scugog
  12. welcome aboard cheers and great fishing
  13. great report and nothing beets catching that lovely chrome. nice to see you and your grandpa having a good time. cheers and great fishing
  14. welcome aboard. hope to see many pics. cheer and great fishing
  15. Well the board looks amazing but i dont know what happened because i had to register myself again but its all good when the board looks this good. so im just giving myself a new welcome to this board.
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