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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. From some of the other threads on here the Great Lakes record for flying asian carp will be established soon.


    All kidding aside though the Canadian record for both small and large mouth bass will likely be reset more than couple of times in next year or two. Whatever the reason bass just seem to keep getting bigger, and bigger. Especially in the great lakes maybe the all goby diet has something to do with it.

  2. I have a question. Since he classifies himself as a "extreme" angler, what does he do that he thinks makes him outfish other anglers.


    As in to me I usually see two basic types of anglers. The ones who "accept" what is happening on a slow day and just relax and take the skunk. Then there are the types who fish harder when the going gets slow. So what tricks as an "extreme" angler does he pull out when nothing is biting to get fish.

  3. It could have been the change in temp, I tried everything I had with me. A local who was right next to us had some of the sweetest looking roe I have seen in a long time and he got skunked too.


    I did have plenty of amusement when I got to watch my buddy trying to figure out how to use his brand new center pin.... I also learned that when I get a pin I will heading out all alone to figure it out so I don't cause anyone to fall in because they are laughing so hard.

  4. I am in the same position and here is what my research has found. You can get an Okuma Sheffield Centerpin S1002 delivered for 199.99 taxes in. You can purchase a Raven Matrix I believe for 169.99 plus tax. These are the best deal for new reels with warranty that I could find. BTW I consider 200.00 maximum for any reel so these prices make them affordable in my eyes. Everyone says buy an islander yeah right I spend less than that on my cars.....


    If you want to know where to get either of these reels pm me because the stock is limited at both locations and until I scrape together the coin to get one or the other I don't want either place to sell out LOL.

  5. Just wanted to thank everyone again for their opinions. Today I hit the "big sale" at BPS and got what I hope will be the right pair of waders for me. I got pair of Redman "Big Man neoprene 3.5 mil size 13 boot foot waders. They have 600 grams of thinsulate in the boot to hopefully keep my feet warm. I was very surpised at the room in the boot and should actually be able to put on a couple extra pairs of socks if necessary.... Very good price while on sale too, so much so that I dropped another 50.00 on hooks, floats, roe tying gear and some spinners for the fall salmon run that I have been looking for since I saw a guy reel in 3 in a row using that same lure last September o;) Bass Pro Shop what a country!!!!


    NOW ice out can't come fast enough LOL.

  6. I admit it I named a couple of my rods.... I have a 11.5 ft Catera that I named the "cat" because of the way it sneaks up on fish. My newest rod is a Dick Swan Company emerald that I named the "dickster" because on it's "maiden voyage" it lost it's virginity by catching two fish. So everyone who fishes with me knows that when I break out the "dickster" I am not just "dicking" around it is serious fishing time... Sad I know but when you are as bad at steelheading as I am you have to amuse yourself somehow. LOL.

  7. I find it less messy to tie the bags before freezing. I find if I keep them in very small plastic disposable containers. Like the glad ones that I don't get freezer burn either. Sure some of the eggs are going to break by freezing them but if they are already tied you don't have to deal with the sticky goo from the eggs breaking after freezing them. The liquid is still potent for attracting fish though. I have caught just as many fish with uncured frozen roe done that way as with fresh uncured, which isn't saying much really as I still don't catch near as many fish as I would like no matter what I use for bait. LOL

  8. CC even with caps your reports are awesome and they don't EVER give away the really important details. I fish a little for chrome and I usually look forward to coming home after getting skunked and seeing your reports where you didn't. That GIVES me the incentive to go out and try again because I see it can be done with a little work.

  9. Thanks for all the replies. I figure I will go with boot foot for one reason with a size 13eee foot the chances that I could find a pair of boots 2 sizes too big and wide enough to add extra layers of socks with a stocking foot wader of any type seems remote from the outfitter sites I have looked at. I think I will go with neoprene because I already have a set of PVC hip and chest waders that I don't mind wearing when the temps are higher.


    My main concern is staying warm during Nov, Dec and March in really cold water.


    Thanks again for the input.

  10. I have a budget of 230 dollars and I am in the process of trying to decide which will be the better purchase, breathable or neoprene but only for cold, cold weather. I have heard both are from different sources so I wanted to know what the folks on here think. I have always had problems keeping my feet warm enough while on shore during the colder months now so I would also like to know which style are better for warmth boot or stocking foot. Another important opinion I am interested in from people with experience is what style tends to last longer as I would like at least 3 yrs out of these waders.

  11. All I know is that until I got into chasing chrome I had two rods 3 reels, and all my gear fit into a locker not much bigger than the one I had in high school. After I started steelheading I now have a closet that is 5' long by 4 ' deep and 6' high, that is cramped to the point that I will need to cut out a hole into the space above it for rod storage.....


    Before I can even think about fishing the opening this spring I need a center pin reel, neoprene waders, about 20 to 30 jigs, roe tying machine, better rain gear the list goes on.


    Notice how I didn't mention what I have already, just in case anyone sees this who might question what I still "need" by foolishly comparing it to what I already have ;o) LOL.

  12. Fanatic- Not to worry with what I drop on fishing equipment in a year, it won't be long before I will "need" something your store. Like a new set of neoprene waders next month.... I shop a lot at both Catch'em and Natural and have been hoping for more choice as have a ton of my friends.


    Best of luck to you guys

  13. Glad to see another store open in the area. Will they be open on Friday March 9th? I hope so otherwise they will miss out on a chance to get the money my buds and I will spending at Bass Pro on Saturday....


    Edit too bad no one answered about whether they will be open on Friday..... could have stopped there before spending too much tomorrow at Bass Pro.

  14. I had a run in with DE too about electricity. This woman who had to be in her 70's showed up one Sunday afternoon at the door. She used the line about have you received your "rebate" yet. I was extremely busy at the time and she hardly spoke english, but kept saying hydro rebate and pointed at this sheet.... So I signed the forum and she left, at the time I thought myself lucky she hadn't fallen down on the walk out she was so old and feeble... So later that night after supper I finally got around to reading what I had signed. It quickly became apparent that the only thing feeble was my mind for signing it. I got the whole thing stopped the next morning though and registered a complaint with the board.


    So about a week later I am over at my grandmother's and there is a knock at the door. I jump up and answer it I recognize the car on the street but instead of it being the older lady it is a young guy this time. Before he says a word I step out on the porch with him and let the door close because I don't talk like I was going to talk to this clown in front of my grandma.... I explained to him how I had been rooked by his company and that it wasn't going to happen here. He said I didn't have any right to stop him from talking to the owner of the house. I explained to him that rights and lefts tend to go together when I get as upset as I was. I also explained to him that the people on either side weren't going to be bothered by him that day either. He started mouthing off a bit until I explained that the neighbour on the left side is a part time clerk at the county court house, and the judges here in town really really like how he does his job! The son of the woman on the other side is a lawyer who will probably defend me for free after I help you into your car if don't leave the area now..... Unfortunately he left and I didn't get to help him to his car, which would have made my whole day. The interesting thing is he hit every other house on that street except for the 3 I told him to stay away from in the next day or two. I wonder why he didn't want to offer his services to the court clerk or the lawyers mother?


    What really got to me though is that my great aunt and my grandmother, asked what happened when I went back inside because they thought they heard me yelling LOL. I said yes I had been because of what the guy was trying to pull, and so I told them what happened to me. I said I was sorry for upsetting them but that it was a good thing I was there because of how deceitful and sly some of these "salespeople" can be. My great aunt who was no pushover even though she was 88 at the time went on to explain how times had changed. Sure there were door knocking scams back in her childhood too on the farm. However, they were raised up to be polite and helpful to everyone. I spent the rest of the afternoon hearing about how during the depression hobo's would come to the door at the farm and no matter how little the family had it was impressed upon them, that as good christians that they had to offer something to anyone who asked. Sometimes it was just a sandwich or even a couple of apples from the orchard, but any of the hobo's who came up and asked for hospitality always left with a bite to eat, even if it meant the family went without.... It is no wonder older folks have such a hard time with these thieves today, when they had that type of upbringing.

  15. What a beautie of a pup. As for border collies only being able to function in high work situations I tend to disagree. Both of my grandparents got borders when they were well into their 70's and in each case both of the dogs adapted perfectly. Each dog managed just fine even though their "families" were old and in one case badly crippled up so there wasn't exactly a lot of walking and running going on with the owner. I will say that part of what kept the dogs happy might have had something to do with the fact that there was always someone in the house to herd around and both did have large yards that were fenced to roam in. However, I am sure with four children the dog will have plenty of herding to do though to keep her happy.

  16. I used to cook for a living here are some of the folks who dined while I slaved away.


    Peter Pocklington I got to shake his hand because the wanted FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE dammit. So I squeezed him a 4 oz glass charged him $7.50 for it and he ordered a second then wanted to meet me LOL... more money than brains that fella.


    George Chuvalo met him at the front desk before a sports dinner he was writing his speech standing there. Took time to shake my hand and talk for a bit. GREAT GUY!!! Said the meal was the best he had on the rubber chicken circuit in a while... when he poked his head into the kitchen after to thank the staff


    Eric Lindros walked into the kitchen by mistake. Big like a truck smart like a street car. NO CLASS at all.


    Eddie Shack funny guy always on.... Him and Johnny Bower were hilarious together. Daryl Sitler not so much...


    Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy were in a lot times over the years. Very classy couple. Always polite and very genuine.


    Gordy Tapp and his wife would stay at the Inn for two weeks for about a 5 yr stretch. He is a extremely funny in person and his bride wasn't hard on the eyes I am pretty sure she was one of the hee haw girls who was out in the corn field.


    Rockin Ronnie Hawkins. DO NOT EVER get this guy talking, unless you have about 4 hrs and don't mind laughing so hard 90% of the time that you will think you did about 600 ab crunches.... Like after an hour I say Mr Hawkins didn't you say you were running late for something. He goes Yeah probably but damned if I can remember where I am supposed to be.... Before I could say anything more he goes but don't worry about it my manager knows I am here he will eventually come along and get me to where I ought to be.....


    Prime Minister John Turner (retired) a little blasted and couldn't accept the fact that I wouldn't allow the servers to open the bar at 10 AM on a Sunday just for him...


    Prime Minister Joe Clark (retired) Kind of funny he gets his plate from the breakfast buffets sits down at the table with the owners of the hotel and his chair comes totally apart. Joe is donkey over applecart on the ground and laughing about it...


    Prime Minister Jean Chrétien He was the leader of the opposition then and was giving a speech and supposed to have a private lunch afterward. So my boss "the chef" spends like 4 hrs making these girly little sandwiches and fancy crap spends like 40 minutes on the garnishes alone. Cretz takes one look and asks if it would too much trouble to get a cheeseburger instead.... I say no problem pal and cook him up one. Sure he might of swindled the oddd million or two but I will always think of him as a regular guy who didn't want cucumber sandwiches LOL.


    Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau I am standing in cooking class at GBC and this honking HUGE dude comes in and says hey you come cook a steak for the PM.... Now in hindsight I might have handled the situation better by NOT saying what you want me to cook for that a__whole. Sorry not going to happen. Well lets just say the RCMP does not always have a sense of humor....


    Those are a few of the luminaries I can remember coming in the dining room over the years.

  17. The 99 all the way. Actually he doesn't have a prayer but since Rusty retired I have cheered for Edwards so I have to pick him now.....


    Thinking about watching Rusty lose all those 500's I might as well go fishing my driver usually has the worst luck at Daytona. LOL

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