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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. I already called up the alarm co's and have found them...all China/Taiwan. Skeeter I hear you but I made a bet with the gf to see who can go the longest w/o buying something from overseas (Japan being an exception in this case). Its amazing how tough it is to do this with certain items!
  2. Yes its similar to a Motorcycle battery. Where was yours made?
  3. Try signing up for EATracker - http://www.dietitians.ca/public/content/ea...lish/eatracker/ You enter what food you eat, and what exercise you've done for the day and it'll tell you both your nutrients you've eaten and if you're on the right track calorie wise to loose weight.
  4. Folks I'm after a rechargable 12V 7-10ah (5-7lb) battery for my fishfinder. Here's the catch: it has to be made in Japan or North America (little bet I'm having). Every powerpack or battery I come across seems to be made in China. Anyhow does anyone know of any local battery manufacturers anymore? I'm getting really tired of dragging my optima around on a toboggan It'd look something like this:
  5. Its a LMS-522c. I've had it in 8 to 25ft of water and it seems to be working ok. I'd get some weird blips on the flasher once in a while, and my lure would take up a few feet of depth on the flasher, so I figured something isn't quite right. I'll try those settings next time I'm
  6. Yup I had it flat when I was out on the ice, it must have clicked up when I was fumbling to take the pic
  7. So are 2 outside holes are inline with the center one and it reads ok? I tried it from the side yesterday and it seemed to read better than head-on like I did it today.
  8. Hi all, I recently bought a new sonar unit and didn't expect to go ice fishing this year. Well that changed so I rigged up the transom transducer to a mount in hopes that it'll work for the ice (using flasher mode on the Lowrance). I pretty much need to drill 2 holes for the setup though. I have a few questions if anyone's tried this: 1. Will the Transsom transducer work alright like this? 2. Should I be fishing right in front of the unit? (so the transducer is just in front of my lure 3. How close should I be to the transducer for seeing my jig. So far I seem to pick it up on the flasher, but would like to know what would be optimal in this setup (or should I just get a iceducer:))
  9. Nice suit! If I put my arms right up over my head it is tight, as with the groin inseam when i do that, but it would still be easy to swim in. The XL just seemed way too big in the chest & shoulders
  10. I picked mine up yesterday at Angling Outfitters in Woodstock! I'm 6'2 205 and a L seemed to fit me a lot better than the XL. From their site at bottom of page in the suit chart http://www.helly.ca/EN/products/sizingChart.cfm
  11. I was really impressed with the Alpha suit when I tried it on. Thanks for the replies
  12. Hey did Mark used to teach at I.E. Weldon? Try fishing at east or west creek just outside of Lindsay, always had decent luck there. Side note - has anyone fished Emily lake near Dunsford?
  13. Hi all - I'm thinking of getting the HH Alpha suit as well. Does anyone have any complaints about it? Sure looks like a nice suit.
  14. Jos is excellent to deal with you won't be dissapointed. I don't think of going anywhere else for big purchases now.
  15. Stumbled across this as well http://www.fishfinder-store.com/howfifiwo.html Sonar Beam Coverage Area Below is a quick reference chart for the area covered by the specific cone angle listed. For example, if you are fishing in 10 feet of water and the cone angle on your transducer is 20 degrees, the area across the bottom is 3.5 feet. * 20 degrees - 0.35 or roughly 1/3 of depth * 24 degrees - 0.42 or roughly 2/5 of depth * 30 degrees - 0.53 or roughly 1/2 of depth * 40 degrees - 0.72 or roughly 3/4 of depth * 50 degrees - 0.93 or roughly 9/10 of depth * 60 degrees - 1.15 x depth * 70 degrees - 1.4 x depth * 73 degrees - 1.48 x depth * 80 degrees - 1.68 x depth * 90 degrees - 2 x depth * 100 degrees - 2.38 x depth * 110 degrees - 2.85 x depth
  16. Thanks Terry for the fast response. Much appreciated.
  17. Hi Roy - I went through it again and didn't see anything. I believe mine has a 20deg cone angle on the transducer if that helps.
  18. Hi all, I recently bought a new fishfinder and I'm trying to figure out what kind of coverage I'll have below the boat. I was wondering if there is a calculator or chart that I can use to figure out the amount of area I'm covering at a certain depth below the boat. Let me know if you guys are familiar with this. thanks, scugog
  19. I recently went through researching units and for a portable the Lowrance x67 unit is very hard to beat. It is more money, but its a very solid unit. http://radioworld.ca/product_info.php?cPat...products_id=337
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