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Everything posted by wishn4fishn

  1. Went to a trib with some friends. Non existent morning bite, slow action all day. Finicky fish resulted in careful presentation. Kept 20" for the pan, lost a bunch, released both. nice buck PB 29" female wicked day to be out and about fishing for trout.
  2. hype. Nice 1
  3. Were u fishing above the legion by those big boulders??? That's a really scenic hike. Good stuff and thanx for the report.
  4. nice report. Too bad about the lost seagul. Could of had a delicious combo. I'm guessing good ol chartreuse. Keep 'em coming.
  5. Don't forget to play around with your shotting arrangment for the appropriate drift. Stacking or evenly spread out makes a world of difference. Don't forget flies such as wooly buggers, nymphs and stoneflies.
  6. Next time for shur. Already made plans. East was bomb today.
  7. try plastics, different roe imitations and steelhead jigs work well
  8. Looks pretty blown
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