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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. roy as promised , i will always be updating QC bass , pike ,musky , whities ,lakers and what not. i love this site
  2. why would i not do my famous E.A.P (exented arm pose ?!?!? have you read a fishing mag lately ?!?!?! show more shore line and docks ?????? i dont want anyone eye balling my spots trying to figure out where i was , what time of the day it was and how do they get there. and finaly. not show the lures? why would i hide something that can teach other anglers what to use . how to use it. and whats bitting this time of the year. i dont know what you think angling is all about bud. 1. never show the shoreline. 2. teach others how to fish , what to fish with, whats working. 3. when taking pictures. at least 75% of the picture has to be about the FISH! not the land scape the mess in your boat or the beers lying around at the bottom.
  3. Yeah mike the 5's of falling from the sky this year. congrats buddy!
  4. Its all about BRUTES!!!! OOps not these.... THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bro at his best! Not in a boat... but in a LOG!!! Whats up with that ?!?!?! One smallie... 2 largieS! John wayne can fish?!?! Sly's first nickel ever! Was able to hook his twin brother 5 minutes later. a 4lbs brute. Heres another . In your face no secret flip and pitch works. Its always a blast opn the BUZZER! Rocky points are a must . Mikes 4lbs largie on a buzz. Pick it up. Yeah its a 5.1 lbs bass. 2 flips after. The brother came along for the ride. Livetarget frog..... finaly a frog that mnakes sense. After showing this to Mike he understood. His first nickel of the year. all this on low price plastic. This has been another update from QC! SEE YA!
  5. you guys fished for trout yesterday?
  6. A hot day on the water Will make the largies feed... And this one was HUNGRY! She had a large face and no girth. But what do you expect.... She had a great spawn! And will have a nice future spawn also..... Go......... and produce more of your type.....LARGE FACE!
  7. Hey, Iv been out twice. since bass openner First day i was with an old school forum friend! White spinnerbaits and tubes were key. Next day. a lake you old O.F.C'ers will recall seeing befor! works on one lake why not the other ? THESE! and.......... Thats what im trying to locate..... Flip,N a craw works also! People have been crying about the rain. while iv been catching grouper fish!!! Always trying new angles on the CHeap cam i have. This has been another Quebec update! the bass are on fire!!!!!!!!!!
  8. HOT DIGGIDY DOG! Jaques and paul . what was the techniques used guys?!?! tolling, casting ,jigging ? thats verry impressive! congrats
  9. right on Hoffman! this is juist a warmup for what about to happend! BRUTES!
  10. ''crushed'' ''huge'' and ''log'' only 3 words i read! What a fish!
  11. negative! iv finaly mastered the long nose / leave the pike in the net / leave the net in the water / undergil hand swipe / support the belly technique! its keeps them calm and i have almost 100% survival rate.... unless i rip there heads off with my hook set.
  12. HAHAHAH! some guy pmed me and asked if i could bring him to the lake.. he offered 100$ per outting. i told him NO and i aint no GUIDE! this lake is so small youl panic from clostophobia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. This one goes out to all the Gator lovers out there. Look it there eyes.... Long and strong.... Big heads and battle scars.... Yeah they were on fire... hitting the M/G like there was no tommorow. I mean how can you keep such a beauty. Put them back in and they grow like weeds ... He made the switch from swimmers to spinners. These brutes love to ambush the lures... he missed my lure and i just released my reel.... let the spinner sink and he nailed it on the drop. Crazy hit and all in gin clear water 3d in my face.... Best hit in 2011 ......SO FAR!! enjoi
  14. whatst he companie name of the tubes you were using jaques ?
  15. What beeter way to take advantage of a long week-end. FISH'N CAMPIN' BANG! get to the camp site. and set up camp! Jig with black flies Engrave stuff. And dry your shoes. Sun sets and... Rain bows from mother nature. snakes.... scenery..... AND FISH PRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been an update from Wakefield (Quebec) till next time!
  16. the funny thing about these places is that there sourounded by sings noting: !!!warning hunters!!!! more like !warnning illigal growth! or !! warnning your brook trout exploration is now over turn over or you will be shot on sigh!!!
  17. ALL HAIL the OL' mighty jaques. the only man who can catch a white fish in a sunfire. awesome work jaques. did you have a piece of fish last night ?
  18. i got the pike pretty good but for white fish its another story!
  19. i want one. bugee
  20. WOW you guys catch sweet numbers of white fish! i bow down to THE!
  21. HIYAH O.F.C'ers A quick update to whats going on in QC , Outaouais. Saturday we went for whitefish. unlike simco, in Qc they are hard to locat and catch in numbers. We start the day with a nice laker. O.O.S and released A.S.A.P. quick pic tho! Then we headed off to a 15 FOW flat. Coregone ON! Caught more sun than fish but it was a nice family outting none-the-less sunday. Gator Hunt. 10 Am Prime time. drop 4 rods and the second and fourth drop one after the next. made for a sweet double header. My turn comes. Finding these in 15 to 30 FOW was key. nothing like C&R BABY! This has beed another 24/7 update from QC IM OUT!
  22. thats not english or french. thats pure quebecois!!!
  23. Terry how did you do that ? poat the video directly in your post?
  24. Look at the size O Them Whities .
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